Chapter 5: Making a New Friend

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"O-Orihara-san!" Mikado exclaimed. He started forward, but I put my arm up to stop him. This wasn't going to be good, especially since Shizuo had caught Izaya off guard. I forced Mikado back. The busty megane with us seemed to catch on and stepped back as well.

"IIIIzaaayaaa-kuuuUUUNNN." Shizuo Heiwajima stepped onto the field. "I thought I told you never to show your face in Ikebukuro again."

Izaya wore an irritated smirk on his face as he got up slowly. That trash can had hurt him more than I thought it did. Then again, he wasn't prepared to take a hit at all. "I thought you were working over towards West Gate, Shizu-chan." he said softly.

Shizuo frowned. "I got fired from that job ages ago. And I thought I told you," he picked up another trash can, raising it over his head easily with one arm. "not to call me that!"

Another trash can was launched at Izaya, who managed to dodge it this time. The trash can hit the ground hard, putting a dent in the plastic and making the container pop open. Crumpled papers, aluminum cans, and remnants of food all spilled out of the container.

Izaya glanced at the mess. "Hmph. You're as strong as ever, Shizu-chan. And still so destructive too." He observed.

"Shut up with that name! How many times do I have to tell you? My name is Shizuo Heiwajima!" Shizuo was seething with anger. I could almost see a shadowy aura forming around him.

"Oh come on, Shizu-chan. Are you still angry at me?" Izaya asked almost teasingly.

Shizuo let out a short laugh. "I'm not angry, I just want to beat the shit out of you!" He yelled and swung at Izaya, who dodged with ease. There was a reason he could fight with Shizuo and come out relatively unharmed.

"You know," Izaya said. "I'm not too fond of your violence."

Shizuo was busy pulling a streetlight post from the ground like he was uprooting a tree.

Izaya pulled out his knife, the blade shone in the sun. "It's troublesome."

"Troublesome? Why don't you just run." Shizuo lifted the light post from the ground and pulled it back. "But even if you did run, I'd still blast you to pieces!!" Shizuo threw the streetlight post like a javelin, with deadly force.

Izaya dodged, of course. But when he did, I realized something. Izaya had been standing right in front of where we were standing and when he moved I saw that the light post was headed straight for us innocent bystanders. But the one it was going to hit was . . . "Mikado!"

The streetlight never hit Mikado. Simon had caught it not even a foot from Mikado's face. I breathed a sigh of relief. I wouldn't have been able to stop it from hitting him. If Simon wasn't there, my innocent friend would be on the ground in a pool of blood.

"Simon." I gaped at him. Where had he even come from? It was like he fell straight from the sky.

Simon lowered the bent-up light post to the ground. "Fighting no good. It make you hungry. You trouble if too hungry." He said.

"What're you interrupting us for?" Shizuo lunged at Simon with his fist pulled back. "Move out of the way!" Shizuo's fist flew straight at Simon.

Simon caught Shizuo's fist, but struggled holding him back. After a few seconds though, Shizuo was unable to escape from Simon's death grip. I still found it amazing that there was someone who could hold him back.

"Shizuo, you hungry. Eat now. Eat sushi." Simon said. His face was impassive, making it seem like a command. It probably was.

"Knock it off, Simon." Shizuo glared at him.

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