Chapter 7: Rough Day

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I finally got back to Shizuo's apartment. The man himself wasn't home. I checked the time on my phone. It was getting kind of late. I guess I should make dinner. But first I should check the fridge. I opened the door. There was pretty much nothing in there but milk, water bottles, eggs, butter, etc. Shizuo sure loved his dairy products.

Oka~ay. I sighed and looked through the cabinets and drawers as last resort. Medicine, utensils, dishes, instant noodles, cereal, and a few ingredients for cooking. Not enough to cook something though.

"Oh come on!" Did I have to go to the grocery store? Come to think of it, Shizuo was eating ramen for breakfast earlier. Was it because he didn't have anything else? I pulled out my phone.

➥To: Shizuo

Looked in the kitchen for food and found nothing. What do you even eat?


Sorry. Usually just eat fast food or at restaurants. If you're hungry there's cup ramen in the cabinets.


But don't touch the yakisoba noodles.

➥To: Shizuo

Hai hai, okaasan.


On second thought, buy your own damn food.

Wow. Shizuo seemed really angry. I kept that in mind so that I wouldn't pester him when he got home. He definitely wasn't mad at me. I felt like he was projecting his anger onto me. Something must have happened at work. I mean, with a job like his, bad things were bound to happen. And for Shizuo, those bad things could make him lose it.

I'll definitely be grocery shopping tomorrow, I thought as I opened the cabinet with the instant noodles. I scanned them all. The yakisoba really looks tempting ... nah. Nothing else appealed to me., not even the ramen. I love ramen. I frowned. Maybe it was Shizuo's last text that was affecting me.

"He doesn't mean it." I told myself. "But...maybe I should order delivery..."

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Chatroom Guide:

≺≻Hikaru. Username: Natsumi

[ ] Celty. Username: Setton

【】 Mikado. Username: Tarou Tanaka

《》Izaya. Username: Kanra

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≺What's up guys?≻

《Hiya everyone! It's Kanra~!》

【Good evening, Natsumi. Kanra.】


≺You guys were talking about the Dollars right?≻


《They exist. They even have their own home page!》

《But you need a login and password to see it.》

[I have no interest in seeing it anyways.]

【Wow, Kanra. You really do know everything.】

《It's all I'm good for, lol.》

【Oh yeah! I saw Izaya and Shizuo fighting today.】


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