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Sooo... this is the first chapter of Reversal! Yay! (Four days late...sorry.)

Some context: I drafted a new beginning for The Black-Hearted Ninja as to why Sensei is gone. Basically, he left mysteriously in the middle of the night and left a note saying that he had sensed a disturbance in 'the balance between good and evil'. He told the ninja he was going to the Dark Island to investigate, and there he might be able to find a cure for Cole's 'ghost problem'. I'm sorry I changed this and had to explain it, but I wanted to make sure no one was confused by Sensei's absence. (I kind of forgot about him in the original TBHN).

Third Person POV

Sensei Wu had seen a lot of things in his years. His father, the First Spinjitzu Master, had been a...unique entity, to say the least. His brother, Garmadon, had turned evil, been banned to the Cursed Realm, became leader of the Skulkin army and later the Serpentine, had grown four arms, possessed the Four Weapons of Spinjitzu, had been taken over by the Overlord, turned good, and died. And of course Garmadon had also won Misako's heart and became the father of the Green Ninja.

Wu was still jealous of that. But he would never admit it. When one was his age, one never admitted to their adolescent notions. It was embarrassing.

He'd seen Lloyd Garmadon turn out to be the Chosen One and save the world, not to mention age seven years in a second. He'd seen Kai Smith, the most arrogant, hotheaded, rage-filled teen he'd ever laid eyes on, become a halfway-decent ninja. He'd seen Zane sacrifice himself and defeat the Overlord, and Jay get a girlfriend, and Cole become a ghost. He'd watched as Nya unlocked her true potential within weeks of finding her powers, an undocumented feat. All these things had seemed impossible, and yet Sensei Wu had seen them all.

But Wu had never seen the likes of what was in front of him then.

He should have known it would happen. Wu had been denying it for too long, blaming their actions on teen hormones and pubescent urges, nothing more than a few crushes and the drama that liked to follow the ninja everywhere. But he had known, ever since the very beginning. And he hadn't done anything to stop it.

That was why he had left, the real reason. He was afraid. Sensei Wu taught his pupils to be brave, to stand up to danger. And his hypocrisy burned. Burned as much as Kai's furious gaze. Did they know? Did they know Wu had lied?

Yes, he had a prophetic vision. Yes, the balance between good and evil had shifted. But Wu didn't tell the ninja the truth. The whole truth.

I should have told them, he thought. Maybe this could have been prevented.

But destiny cannot be avoided.

If it even was their destiny. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe Wu was making false connections. He needed more proof.

He would just have to wait for it.


The door was hanging open when Wu arrived.

The sun had risen just an hour before. He had been traveling all night. Normally, Wu would have stopped to rest, but the disturbance in the balance was too great. He needed to keep moving.

The Bounty was dark, though it was illuminated by the morning sun. The windows were shadowy. And it was silent.

Sensei Wu knew this could not be blamed on the team's laziness. This was greater.

He stood on the deck, dismissed his dragon. Everything looked exactly the same yet...wrong. And the chill was more than just the autumn air.

Reversal (The Dark Triangle #2) [ON HOLD]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu