Nothing To Hide

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Chapter Two!


Third Person POV

Cole had forgotten what soft felt like.

The pillow he sat on was comfortable. He almost wanted to lay down but fought the urge. Don't let anyone see your weakness, Cole reminded himself. He'd barely gotten away from Kai as it was.

There was a table in front of Cole. He stared at it, watched as a teapot and two cups were set down. He redirected his attention to the cups when Sensei sat down across from him.

Sensei's room was warm, and the tea was hot.

"Cole," Sensei said. Cole watched the steam as it rose from his now full cup. "I think you know why I called you here."

"I'm sorry." Cole said. His voice was hesitant, but the words were automatic.

His eyes were wet because of the steam.

"I'm assuming Kai's rage is not unprecedented." Wu took a sip of tea.

Cole was inscrutable, stone-faced and still as a mountain.

"You should have let him kill me."

"Everybody deserves a second chance, Cole. And I haven't brought you to my chambers to yell at you. I would like to hear your perspective on the events that have occurred in the weeks since I departed." Wu said. "Drink your tea. It will replenish your strength."

Cole looked down at his chest. His shirt hung off of him like a sack. He used to fill this shirt, but now it wasn't even visible where his body began.

Cole remained unmoving. A hollow-cheeked statue, sitting on a soft green pillow.

His tea stayed untouched.

Wu sighed.

"Are you currently a demon?" His tone was tranquil, as if he was asking if Cole had done his chores.

Cole was silent for a few more seconds, but this time a line appeared between his eyebrows, as if he was thinking.

Finally, he raised his eyes. They were the brown of melted milk chocolate, but Sensei saw something in them that there hadn't been before-a small dark spot. It wasn't Cole's pupil; he had two of those already. This was a shadow in his right eye, a patch of pure black.

"If I was a demon, you'd be dead."

Cole held the stare. It became a contest, a contest that Sensei Wu lost.

"From what I've heard, I don't doubt you."

Cole's eyes were still on Wu.

"Where were you?" He asked. It wasn't accusing, or angry, like Kai. More of a statement than a question. "I know you were lying to us. I could tell it in the note. So, where were you really?"

Sensei's lips parted. He blinked in surprise at the certainty in Cole's voice, but managed to deflect his words.

"One never knows."

Cole looked down rapidly and inspected his hands. They had never been soft, despite his father's insistence on lotions and staying inside. Not a pianist's hands; he didn't touch lightly enough on the keys. 'Everything is serious with you, Cole.' A phrase Cole had heard so many times over the years he no longer registered it. From his father, telling him to play staccato. From Kai, who was trying to get him to loosen up on missions to free time to anywhere in between. From Jay, who had laughed and cried and screamed it at him while Cole had pretended not to care. From Nya...

Reversal (The Dark Triangle #2) [ON HOLD]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن