Nya Of The Sea

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Sorry I haven't updated in SO long! I have been writing non-stop, but nothing felt right!

This book, although it is the sequel to TBHN, is going to have a different format. That may include weird time stuff, sentences that don't make sense, some poetic language, and (sorry) not as much action (until the end!). This is all meant to convey the general distress and fear of the Ninja over the course of the novel.

This chapter goes back in time:

Third Person POV

Thirteen hours after Wu returned, Nya woke up smelling Jay's shampoo. It was airy, and vaguely reminded her of wood cleaner, but in the best way. Lemon-mint, and clean.

She was filthy compared to him. In her haze, Nya wondered how she got there. Feeling the way her hair stuck to the back of her neck and the grime under her fingernails, she shuddered.

Her head was on the same pillow as Jay's, her lips just centimeters from his cheek.

The sun backlit Jay's face. Nya saw the way his hair stuck up in the back, the light tips of his eyelashes that always passed without notice, the tiny freckles on the top of his left ear. There was a spot of wet on their shared pillow from the drool that collected at the corner of Jay's mouth. He mumbled in his sleep, his words blending together. Nya caught her own name, and even dead to the world, Jay said it in a way that made her heart flutter.

He was so warm. And fragile, Jay was glass. But his arms around Nya were both certain, and Nya could feel his ribs expand when he breathed. And that felt like a miracle, and she couldn't quite find the reason why.

He made her happy. Nya, for one second, was happy.

And then, pain.

It was a vicious dagger, stabbing through her chest, straight through her heart.


It surged in like a wave. A riptide, carrying Nya from her peaceful beach out into the tumultuous sea, the salt washing out her eyes until she was blind. The spray pummeling her skin, the water merciless.

The tsunami came from all sides and it was all Cole.

Cole with his mouth smiling, eyes dying.

Cole, a name carved into walls and her brother's chest.

Cole, the newest synonym for death.

Cole, who crushed Nya's heart when he crushed another.

Cole, a stone-cold kiss, a whispered promise, a greatest regret.

Cole, murderer, victim, demon, I can't kill you, kill, love...

He washed around Nya, battered her, left her gasping and desperate. Bruises added to the scars he'd inflicted. All he'd ever done was hurt her, and she hurt. How she hurt just thinking his name, agony melding with her desire.

What was her desire?



The power, of course, she wanted Cole, she wanted his power.

Cole whose fingers were so cold when they handed her his downfall, the...

The ring.

As soon as Nya was aware of it, the pain left the rest of her and concentrated just behind her ribs, rising in her throat like bile. It tasted terrible, pain.

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