Hide And Seek Tag

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Phineas POV

"Okay", I said. "Does anybody know the actual reason we're here?" When nobody responded, I lifted Isabella and I's hands up to give everybody a better look. "This is why we're having a sleepover," I told everyone, "Because when Isabella and I were at the movie theater today, some random beam of light hit our hands and joined them together, just like when Candace got stuck to Jeremy earlier today."

"But why not just use the molecular separator and separate yourselves right now?" Baljeet asked.

"Because that got broken, and we have to wait until tomorrow till we can order more parts to make another," I responded. "I'm just glad that it only combined Isabella's and my hands, and not our entire bodies. That would have been a disaster."

Everybody got a gross look on their faces and nodded. Then Buford spoke up.

"So what we gonna do tonight then? Well Dinner Bell?"

"I don't know, we just have to do something that Isabella and I can to together. Any ideas?"

"We can take turns giving Baljeet wedgies!" Buford said. Everybody stared at him. "What? I'm a bully! I do that type of stuff for a living!"

"How about we play hide-and-go-seek tag!" Isabella said, "That way, Phineas and I will just stay together the whole time".

Everybody agreed that that sounded like fun, so we headed out to the backyard to play. We decided that there wasn't enough room to play in our backyard, so the boundaries were extended into the street and Isabella's house. By then it was completely dark outside, making the game more appropriate for kids our age. We all scattered to find places to hide, with Ferb being "it" and staying inside to let us get ready.

"Where should we go?" I mouthed to Isabella, and she shrugged then began pulling me in a random direction to search for a hiding place. Then Isabella thought of an idea.

"Let's check over at my house, maybe we could hide under the deck in my backyard," she whispered. (A/N: I'm not positive if they actually have a deck)

We ran across the street, checking for cars first, then made our way to the backyard. As we approached the deck, I wasn't sure if there was enough room down there for two people.

"Are you sure we're going to fit?" I asked.

"Yeah, it'll be tight, but its so dark down there that nobody will ever find us," she responded, then got down on her belly to crawl under, pulling me with her. We began inching our way under the wooden deck.

"You know," I whispered as we were crawling, "if we get caught, I don't think we'll be able to run away."

"I don't care," she whispered back, and although it was pitch-black, I could have sworn I saw a smile on her face.

We continued manuevering ourselves under the cramped deck, until Isabella stopped and said "That's as far as I can go. Keep coming Phineas!".

Now I realized that in order to completely hide myself, I would have to press myself up against Isabella, which may not be comfortable to her. "You still wanna hide here?" I asked. We're gonna be squished!".

"I know! Cmon, slowpoke, somebodies gonna see you!". And with that, Isabella grabbed my shoulder (with her free hand) and pulled me right up to her. I blushed a little, she was closer than I had expected. Wait, why was I blushing?

Just then, I heard a twig snap nearby, and both Isabella and I stiffened and tried to quiet our breathing. I could feel Isabella's cool breath on my face, even though I couldn't see her at all.

We stayed silent for a few minutes, not moving one finger. I then heard a high-pitched shriek far away, and Buford yelling, "My nerd!".

I snickered a bit, then whispered to Isabella, "I guess Ferb got Baljeet. Now we've got two people looking for us!" When Isabella didn't respond, I whispered, "Isabella?". Still no reponse. "Isabella?" I said a bit louder, "Are you okay?".

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