The End

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Phineas POV
Isabella and I slowly walked back across the street, each with a very red but smiling face. I had mostly recovered from my injury before, but Isabella was still limping from her ankle, so I was holding on to her to ease her pain. I glanced at Isabella to see her beaming and looking up towards the sky. A few new tears were streaming down her face, but I knew that they were because she was happy.

I had never seen Isabella cry so much in one day. The only other time I could ever remember her crying was on that deserted island when we had traveled around the world. I hated to see her like that, and when she was crying today, but it was okay right now.

This day must have meant a lot to Isabella if she was crying so much. I guess she had been waiting a long time for us to get together. I only wished I could have figured it out earlier and saved Isabella the pain and disappointments I must have made her go through.

We had crossed the street now and were walking up my driveway. I stopped walking and turned to face Isabella.

"I know I already said it, but I'm sorry Isabella," I said, "I didn't mean to make you wait so many years for me, I should have figured it-" I was stopped as Isabella quickly leaned in and kissed me. Wow, this summer was going to be very enjoyable.

When she pulled away a few seconds later, she responded, "You don't need to apologize, Phineas. It was long, but now we're together and you've made me the happiest girl alive. I love you so much." And she stepped forward and hugged me tightly. I hugged back and lifted her off the ground a bit, making her giggle.

"I love you too, Isabe-" I stopped short when I heard ... was that a lion roaring? Isabella and I parted, and I looked around, searching for any source of the noise.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Isabella, who was now looking confused as well.

Isabella opened her mouth and was about to speak when the roar came again, much louder this time. Isabella grabbed my hand and squeezed hard, I could see worry appear on her face. Yep, that was definitely some sort of wild animal. This time it was accompanied with a screaming Baljeet.

"Baljeet could be in trouble," I thought, and I advanced with a slightly trembling Isabella to the gate. The roar came again, and Baljeet made another scream, a little quieter this time. Isabella gave a jump and squeezed my hand again. I looked at her with wide eyes before turning to the gate and slowly inching it open.

"RROOOOAAARRR!" I jumped back from the gate and backed into Isabella. She screamed and hugged me, burying her head into my neck. I hadn't seen what was in there, but the gate was now slowly creaking open and...

Baljeet was facing away from us at the gate, and next to him was Ferb laughing like a hyena ... laughing like a hyena? Where was the lion? Then it hit me. Ferb must have shot himself with the animal noises ray! I sighed in relief and let go of Isabella, who turned to see Baljeet and Ferb as well.

"Ferb! You freaked us out!" I shouted, although I wasn't really angry, just still tense. Both of them turned around to see us walking in through the gate, Isabella still clutching onto me.

"Its okay, Ferb just got hit with the animal noises ray," I explained to Isabella in case she didn't understand. She didn't let go but nodded her head.

Ferb smiled, then let out a few seagull cries, but they suddenly became high-pitched screams of the word "Seagull".

He stopped short, then yelled "Gorilla!" in a deep voice, disappointment appearing on his face.

"It finally wore off!" Baljeet exclaimed, letting out a deep breath. "That was way longer than when you two were hit with that angry ray, even longer than that horrid 'drunk' ray you hit me with!" He then realized that Isabella and I had just returned. "You guys are back! Did you apologize, Phineas?"

Canderemy redux: PhinbellaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz