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Phineas POV

I turned off the alarm clock 10 seconds before it went off. Whew! That was a close one! Ferb gave me a thumbs up then marked another tally on the wall. It was our eightieth day straight beating the alarm clock, and I wasn't gonna let it go that easily.

"Morning Ferb!" I greeted, pulling on my signature orange and white striped shirt. "Had a good sleep?" Ferb nodded then began heading downstairs. "Hey, wait for me!" I shouted, running to catch up.

We finished breakfast in record time, then headed out to the backyard to figure out what to do today. I brought our sketchbook out with us so that we could look for any ideas that looked fun. Cheese-grater slide? Too dangerous. Finish summer homework. Did that the first day of summer. Build a Doom-inator? That was just plain evil.

We continued struggling to find an idea when the gate swung open, Isabella walking in.

"Hey Phineas. Watcha doin?"

I stood up. "Hey Isabella, we're actually not sure yet. I was thinking about making a cheese grater slide, but Ferb here doesn't think it meets our safety expectations." I then thought of a new idea. For some reason, I don't know why, I just wanted to make Isabella happy. "Say, Isabella," I asked her, "Anything we can do for you today? Like a fireside girls patch?".

"Oh," she said flirtatiously, "I've got an even better idea". And with that, Isabella walked up to me, grabbed me on the shoulders, leaned in, and planted a kiss on my surprised lips. My eyes widened to the size of saucers and my heart temporarily stopped. "What's going on?" I thought frantically, and also excitedly as she pulled me closer."

My eyes shot open to see nothing but darkness. In a second my pupils dilated and I could make out the silhouette of Isabella next to me.

"Isabella?" I asked. "Did you just...". I saw a giant floating baby head appear behind Isabella's head, and then I blacked out.

**The Next Morning**

I woke to the sound of a bird chirping some wonderful song and felt the sunshine warming my face. I felt so comfortable that I decided to keep resting where I was. Until I felt a cool breath hitting against my face.

I opened my eyes, and found myself nose to nose with a still-sleeping Isabella. I quickly breathed in as I realized the position I was in. Somehow, in the night, we must have migrated closer together, for we were now wrapped up in each other's arms. I don't have any idea how Isabella managed to get out of her sleeping bag and into mine during the night.

I thought about trying to give her some space, but I would probably wake Isabella if I tried to move. Besides, this was exactly the sort of close friendship stuff that she was talking about and doing at the movie theater.

I peered around the backyard to see if anybody else was around. To my surprise, Isabella and I were the only ones left in the backyard. "They must have already woken up," I thought to myself.

I thought about the strange dreams that I had had throughout the whole night. All of them were about Isabella, and most of them involved some sort of affection between us. What was with these new dreams? I didn't even like Isabella! Well, not more than a friend. ... Okay, maybe since yesterday at the theaters I started liking her a littlemore than a friend, but that's not important.

As I continued to think, Isabella stirred besides me. She slowly opened up her eyes, then gave a small smile.

"Good morning, Sunshine!" I whispered, beaming back at her. Isabella's smile widened, then she let out a huge yawn. Because yawning is addictive, I was forced to yawn as well.

Canderemy redux: PhinbellaWhere stories live. Discover now