The Fight

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Phineas POV

After we finished our breakfast, Isabella and I worked on cleaning up the dishes to relieve Mom of some of her duties. You would think that it would be incredibly awkward doing dishes while more than handcuffed to somebody else, but it was actually more productive then if we would have done them separately. Even though our hands had been merged for less than a day, we were already used to each other and could work as a team to accomplish seemingly anything. I would hold a dish under the flow of the faucet while Isabella would clean it with the scrubber. Then I put it in the dishwasher and the process would repeat. I just hoped that it would last.

And of course, my hopes had to be dashed when we answered the door to the delivery man, holding some parts. Those parts were needed to assemble the molecular separator and separate Isabella from me. There wouldn't be any more of that strange and exciting stuff (I still don't know what to call it) between Isabella and me, we wouldn't be around each other anymore.

"Hi Phineas," he said."Here's the shipment of parts you ordered for today. Its funny, I usually find you in your backyard."

"Yeah," I said, "We'd normally be up and at it, but I lost track of time this morning -" Isabella gave a little squeak and blushed "-and broke my streak of beating the alarm clock."

"That's too bad. I've gotta go deliver some parts to a Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz now, hope you kids have fun!" And with that the delivery man left, leaving Isabella and I staring out at the street depressingly. I began brainstorming ideas to prolong the creation of the molecular separator longer, but then realized that if we didn't get unstuck soon, we wouldn't be able to shower or do things like Isabella's Fireside girls. Besides, Isabella was probably tired of being around me constantly. Drat.

I let out a sigh. "Well I guess we can get unstuck now," I said, finally breaking the silence in a very unenthusiastic tone.

"Great," she replied in a similar manner, her eyes downcast.

After another moment of silence we trudged back to the living room where Buford, Baljeet, and Ferb were now playing Settlers of Catan. I'm not sure how they managed to get the whole game set up and get this far in the game in such little time, but Baljeet was winning with Ferb a small margin behind. Buford had not progressed a single step and was complaining about how Baljeet had cheated by being too smart.

"Its not fair!" he grumbled, "I'm telling you, there should be an IQ limit on this game, and yours is too high! Normal people like me can't compete!"

"Well maybe if you did your homework instead of forcing me to every day of the year, you might have acquired a little more knowledge! Did you ever wonder how I got so smart, its because I had to write every essay and complete every math worksheet TWICE!"

Buford and Baljeet continued arguing while still somehow still progressing through the game at a rather quick level. It was fairly entertaining to watch them, but then I saw that the clock read 11:10 and realized that if we wanted to seize the day, we would have to start right now.

"Hey guys," I said with false enthusiasm. "I know I already told you yesterday, but I know what we're gonna do today." I forced a smile, but it was strained, and I bet everybody noticed it. "We just got the parts from the delivery guy, now we can reassemble the molecular separator."

"Good!" Buford said, standing up and throwing his resource cards on the coffee table, "I was getting tired of being beaten by this nerd!"

"Wait!" screeched Baljeet, "I'm about to win! I just need one more turn!"

"Nope," Buford replied, "You had your chance and now its gone! You lose! Haha!"

"And for the record," Ferb said, "I think I just won." Indeed, Ferb had beaten both of them while they were arguing with each other.

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