December 30

71 1 1

My brother found out about this thing. I was hoping that I could just throw this under my head and forget about it, but he wants me to write in it... It's not like I wanted to write in it, but am afraid that it's too girly, HELL NO!

So... Yeah. Nothing happened. Literally. My life is so boring. I should get a pet. I SHOULD DEF NOT GET A PET! GET A GRIP ROMANO.

Wow. When I write down what I'm thinking, I sound like a conflicted little idiot. That's why I hate these things! Ugh. They also remind be how boring my life is. Nothing happened today. I sat around. I watched some Full Metal Alchemist.

Oh yeah! I found the 69 cent song list on iTunes today! Katy Perry's Roar was on it! I also bought some Green Day songs.

I'm going to read back through these and cry. My life is so pathetic! This is going to be the most boring journal ever! :(

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