May 22

40 1 1

Last night was awful. Remember that Feliciano invited us to longhorn steakhouse for some big news? Yeah.

Feliciano and Ludwig sat on one side of the table, so Antonio and I sat on the other. While we waited for our food to come, Feliciano decided to bring up his big news.
He started with, "How long have you and Antonio been together?".

My reply was, "We've known each other for a very long time now."

Then Feliciano said, "No, I mean like together together, you know, dating?"

That's where I lost it. I AM NOT AND NEVER WILL BE DATING THAT TOMATO BASTARD! I shouted things like that. Then Antonio hugged me and said, "Oh Lovi, you're so cute when you're angry!" Or whatever.

Feliciano laughed and said  "Well, since you've been dating for a while now, I thought I'd tell you that Ludwig and I have started dating!"

Then our food came. Oh yeah, the worst part was that that Potato Bastard ordered fish. WE WERE AT A STEAK HOUSE!

I may or may not have flung some of Spain's mashed potatoes at Ludwig's head.

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