June 26

30 0 0

((T- for slight sexual content))

I hate Spain! He confuses me so much! 

Today he came up to me and asked "Hey, Romano, Since today is Beautician's day, do you want me to try to flatten out your curl that you always complain about?"

Then. He. Touched. It. 

He only touched it, but my face got super red instantly. "Chi- CHIGIIII!"

I ran up to my room, and here I am now. Why is it that when Spain as much touches my curl, it is so more intense than when Italy and I accidentally get them tangled or when that stupid frenchy pulls it for his own amusement? I hate Spain so much! I wish he'd stop making me feel so weird. 

Ugh... He's knocking on the door now. Hold on.

I told him to go away and he complained, so I opened the door to tell him to fuck off, but he said something first. "Why don't you let me touch your curl?" He reached forward and tugged it! It was so mortifying! I could feel my pants getting tighter. I really hope he didn't notice!

It was so embarrassing! Why doesn't he get it! I hate him. I HATE him!!!!


Anyways. Here I am. In my room and unable to come out because of that tomato eating idiot! I guess I'll go take a nap or something.

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