May 24

34 0 2

Ok, so Feliciano and Ludwig were over Spain's house this morning. Feliciano started begging to go to the park.

Long story short, we ended up going to a flower garden. Feliciano wore a dress, don't ask. He was skipping and twirling during the whole thing.

Hey, if Feli's happy, then I'm happy, for the most part. Feli and that stupid potato bastard started holding hands part way through. I let it go for a while.

I then got hungry, so I took out a pack of oyster crackers. I chucked one at Ludwig... I missed. Instead it landed on the ground and a bird came over to eat it. Feli let go of his hand to go see the bird, so mission accomplished!

Antonio tried to hold my hand so I threw an oyster cracker at him too.

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