Yes? Or No?

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*5 years later*
Hayes, Kelly, Matt and Ava - 24 years old
Janessa, Lindsay and Bri- 23 years old
Shawn, Mahogany, Jacob, Jack J- 26 years
Jack G, Cam, and Nash - 27 years old

Janessa's POV
"I can't believe we graduated a year ago " Ava says as Kelly, her, and I look through old pictures. "Yeah it's crazy how fast time goes" I say remembering the adventures we have made. "Well guess what" Matt says grabbing our attention. We look at him confused and he chuckles. Lindsay walks to his side and she smiles. "Instead of looking at the past right now why don't we go out and have some fun" he tells us and we nod our heads getting up. "I wish hayes didn't have to go on that trip with his job" I say sighing. "Hey, it's only a couple weeks and it's the only trip he has to take in his job so you don't have to worry about it again" Matt explains which makes me smile. He always makes everyone cheer up. "Matt come help" I hear Lindsay yell from upstairs. "Sorry but I gotta go help the princess" he says and runs upstairs. They're so cute together and I love how they have stuck with each other since the first time they got together. I quickly go upstairs into my room and flop on my bed not knowing what to wear. Me, Lindsay, Matt, Hayes, Kelly, and her boyfriend Sam Wilkinson all bought this big house up in the mountains of California because we wanted to get away from the city life for a while. We are only 40 minutes from the city so it's not that far. I love it here so far and I actually start my job which is being a UCLA collage professor for Nursing. I'm very excited to start that. Lindsay and Brianna started a clothing line store and it's going really well for them. Kelly is gonna be a nurse at the hospital near by and Ava is going back to school to get her doctorate once summer ends. Shawn is now a huge celebrity in singing and Nash and Cam are big actors. Matt is sticking with YouTube and gets paid from that. As for everyone else...they all went there separate ways but we're still in contact and I know we will get together again soon. I shuffle through my closet looking for a dress to wear to the fancy ball party were going to later on. I end up throwing like 50 dresses all over my room. I sigh about to give up but then I see a light blue dress (pic above) and smile. Bingo! I grab it and place it on my bed while putting all the others in a pile on the floor. I do my hair and makeup and then grab some silver high heels to match it. "Janessa you look....gross" Bri says and she enters my room. "Gee thanks Bri" I say and stick up the middle finger at her. She laughs "I was just kidding". "Yeah well whatever" I say and laugh as well. "Let's get a mirror picture" she says and I nod grabbing my phone. I snap the pic and smile. "We look hot" I say and she laughs agreeing.

Later that night

"There are so many older people here" Ava says in disgust and we all laugh at her. "Well it is my older sisters fancy party that she invited all our family and their friends" Lindsay says. "I want to meet your dad cause I havn't since he doesn't live here" Matt says grabbing Lindsay's hand. "Okay, see ya later guys" she says and they walk off. "Well me and Sam are gonna go dance with old people" Kelly says dragging him off with her. "We're gonna go find Nash (Bri is dating him now) and Jacob (Ava's boyfriend) cause they should be here" Bri says as her and Ava walk off as well. Guess that leaves me, myself, and I. I sigh and grab a glass of wine. I walk outside to the balcony and stare at the city lights below us. Everything looks so pretty from afar. I wish Hayes was here. I miss his warm body and his amazing smile. It's been a week and 2 days and I am going crazy without him. I stand there just thinking for a while until I feel and hand rest on my shoulder making me jump. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you" someone says and I laugh turning around. "My brothaaa" I say and give Shawn a hug. "Did you have a free day from your movie today" I ask and he nods. "Yeah and Matt told me about this and said you were gonna be here so I came." He tells me and I smile. "Aww thanks bro" I say and pinch his cheeks. "Hey I'm still older so don't push it" he says and I laugh. "Well what are you doing out here, let's go party" he says and I laugh for the billionth time today. He drags me down the big stairs and onto the "dance floor" which is really just a bunch of adults and old people in fancy clothes trying to dance. We start dancing and Lindsay comes over to us. "Where's Matt" I ask her as we dance. "My dad wants to show him his new car and I hate cars so I didn't feel like going" she tells me and I laugh knowing she does really hate cars. "Well you guys have me" Shawn says and points at himself. Me and Lindsay look at each other and start bursting out laughing. Shawn pouts and starts to walk away. "Wait Shawn were kidding, we love you" I scream to him and he turns around smiling and runs back over. "So how's Megan and Anna (Their baby) been?" I ask and he smiles. "Good they had to stay home because Anna has a cold" he tells me and I frown. "Aww I wanna go see her tomorrow with some treats" I say and Lindsay agrees. "She'd love that" he says and I smile. I notice Kelly, Sam, and Brianna are no where to be seen. "Where did everyone go?" I ask and Lindsay furrows her eyebrows. "Nash told me they were gonna go down to the beach and start a fire" Shawn tells us and we scoff. "No one told us" we say and he laughs. "Do you guys want to go?" He asks and we nod our heads giggling.

We run down the path that leads to the beach with high heels in our hands except Shawn of course. "I'm gonna beat them up for not telling us" Lindsay says and I agree yelling "Let's go". "Wait girls" Shawn says from behind making us stop running. "I can't go in the water at all so do you guys want me to hold your phones" he asks and we nod giving them to him. We all walk into the beach and I see the crew sitting around a fire. We run over and I smack Kelly on the head. "Thanks for the invite" I say and she groans making everyone laugh. We sit down and join into their conversation. "Where's Matt?" Jacob asks and Lindsay curses. "We forgot to get him" she says and frowns. "Just text him" Ava says and she nods while Shawn hands her the phone. "So Janessa, do you miss Hayes?" Nash asks me. "Very much" I say and sigh. "He will be back very soon" he tells me and I nod. "Matt says he'll be passing by in 2 minutes" Lindsay says and everyone smiles nodding there heads. We talk for a little more before Kelly screams "Guys look a shooting star!" And points behind me. I turn around and gasp. It's a plane with a light up banner that reads "Janessa and Lindsay, Will you marry us? -Hayes & Matt". Me and Lindsay look at each other and we shoot up from our seats. "Omg" I scream with tears running down my eyes as I see Hayes and Matt on horses coming our way. I look closer and see everyone as in the whole Magcon fam, me and Lindsays families, and even Megan with Anna walking along side them holding sparklers. I can feel the tears running down my cheeks. I look at lindsay and we hug and start laughing of joy. I see everyone taking pictures and videos and I send them a kiss. We run over to them because we were impatient and I look at Hayes. "So is that a yes?" He asks pulling me onto the horse. "YES OF COURSE!" I yell and hear Lindsay yell that too to Matt. I smash my lips onto Hayes and tears still fall down my cheeks. I'm so FREKEN HAPPY! I pull away and he wipes my tears. "Oh my goodness this is such a surprise! I though you didn't come home till later" I say and he chuckles at how happy I am. "I may or may not have lied" he tells me and I laugh before kissing him again. I feel the horse start to move and I smile. "Where are we going" I ask and he smiles and looks at Matt. "It's a surprise" they both say and me and Lindsay look at each other. I turn around and see everyone waving. "I love you all!" I say and Lindsay screams "Thankyou!" . I hug Hayes from behind and rest my chin on his shoulder. "I love you the most" I whisper in his ear making him grin. "I love you more" he says and I giggle shaking my head. "Not possible" I say. "Yes possible" he tells me turning around and kissing me again.

"Ok we are here" Matt says and him and Hayes get down off the horse. Hayes puts out his hands helping me down and I thank him while kissing his cheek. I look and see were at a house along the beach. "Who's house is this?" I ask and hayes smirks. "Ours" he says and I squeal. "Lucky" Lindsay says and Matt laughs. "You see that one two houses down" he says and she nods her head. "That's ours" he tells her and now it's her turn to squeal. We both kiss our newly finances. Man do I love this guy.

The end

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