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Today was the day I would see everyone again. Do i really want to see them again tho? I could just live with G. I shake that idea off and get ready. I put on a white lace shirt with black leggings and a flannel. I grabbed my brown ankle boots and straightened my hair. I put on my usual makeup and go downstairs. "Hey Brandon" i say when i see him eating breakfast. "Morning" he replies. "You excited for vidcon?" I ask. "No the question is are you excited?" He says. "Why would you ask that of course i am" i say puzzled. "Thats not what you said in your sleep" he said and ran upstairs. I was trying to think about what i could have said when my phone went off.

Bae❤️: Hey gorgeous(; Excited for vidcon? I will be there but i will be meeting fans so please come see me.

Me: Morning hansome(; Yea I am and of course I will go see you G.

Bae❤️: Okk thankyou baby :*

Me: Your welcome :*

I put my phone down and grab some oatmeal. I heat it up and start to eat. After I am done I grab my purse and keys and go to Brandon's room. I knock on the door and he opens it. "Hey you ready to go?" I ask with a smile. He nods and smiles. "Let me get my shoes" he says and runs back to his room. I wait in the car until he comes over. I blast the music and we sing along. "Janessa? Do you have to go?" He asks. I look over at him and nod. "Sorry bud but i have to" i say and frown. He just nods and looks down.

We finally get to the place and there are many people. I get out and grab our tickets. "Here you go" i say handing Brandon his vip ticket. "Thanks" he says and we start to walk towards the building. We walk in and i immediately spot Bethany Mota. I pull Brandon hand towards her line. "I want to see pewds" he says. "Where is he?" I ask. He points towards a large crowd. "Okay do you have your phone?" I ask. He nods and runs off. I wait in line until it is my turn to meet Bethany. I give my phone to the photographers and stand beside her. "So whats your name?" She asks. "Janessa" i say with a smile. "Wow thats such a pretty name!" She says. I smile and nod. "You look like Shawn Mendes a lot" she says and smiles. "Yea i am his sister" i reply. "Get out! Thats so cool!" She squeals. "Yea i haven't really seen him tho" i say. "Well we should get to know each other" she says. "Here is my number" i say and write it down on a piece a paper. I hand it to her and we get our picture. "Thankyou" i say and walk off. She smiles and i grab my phone. I walk over to where Brandon is and see he is meeting pewdipie. I smile and take a picture. Brandon looks so happy. He walks off and spots me. He runs over and shows me the picture. "Thats awesome Bran!" I say. "I know right!" He yells. I laugh and we start to walk over to find Grayson.

"Look he is over there!" Brandon says and we run to where he is. When Grayson spots me he waves. I wave back and sit on the chair. Minutes later he walks up. "Hey Grayson" i say and kiss his cheek. "Oh sorry Janessa its me Ethan" he says and laughs. I start to blush and look down. "Sorry i thought you were G." I say. He chuckles and says "its ok". I smile and sit back down. "Well i better go but Gray says to meet him at 5:00 at chilies" he says and walks away. I nod.

"Hey look its nash!" Brandon yells. I look up and see him walking over. I stand up to greet Nash. "Hey" i say and give him a hug. "Hi pretty" he says with a wink. I laugh and look down. "And who might you be?" Nash asks Brandon. "I'm her cousin Brandon." He says and smiles. "You look like a good kid to be a viner" nash says. Brandon smiles and nods. "Come on guys I want to introduce you to some friends." Nash says. I smile and nod. I follow nash until i see who his friends are. There is everyone sitting down probably waiting to see me. I walk over and wave. They look at me for a while probably studying me. After a bunch of silence they all get up and walk over to me. "JANESSA!!!" They all say in union and crush me with hugs. They let go and someone taps my shoulder. "Janessa?" They say. I turn around and see a blue eyed boy. "Hayes....?"

•• Sorry for not posting in FOREVERR! But school is so hard ughh. Lol hope you guys enjoyed and i promise to update more often again. ••

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