About this luke drama

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Disclaimer: rant.

And I did not want to bring this up but I have to and I like ranting

Please do not, I repeat DO NOT comment on any of my chapters that mention luke, negative comments about him. Yes, I know why; the Rolling Stones magazine made you have twisted comments about him, but do we even know if he 100% said all of this ? No.
Example: I made a chapter called "who you mean the most to" and of course luke is going to be at least two zodiacs answers, because this is 5 seconds of summer not Calum, Ashton, Michael and friend so don't be surprised if you get him, because obviously luke is HUMAN, he has FEELINGS and if you believe the article or not you should know luke does care about us, all of us. And I'm not talking luke out of any zodiacs, because has he left the band ? No.

If anyone even mentions negativity on anything to do with luke, I will delete your comment or if you take it further or your comment is straight up hate I will block you.

So to all you people who do feel like luke is an ass, who doesn't deserve fame, or what he's got, or if you think he doesn't care about us anymore or ever did, you probably need a break from being in the 5sosfam because you seem like you are in the 5sos fandom. Sorry not sorry BYE.

Thanks to all the people who don't mind if they get luke as a zodiac, or I mention luke. You are the respectful people who don't bother commenting about it :)


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