Chapter 5

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A/N Hey dudes, so I've got a new chapter ready! I'm actually really enjoying writing this fanfiction, and I have also included some lgbtq+ (is that right, I don't really know but I'm sorry if it's wrong) characters, because I just feel like I really ship Lilly and Johanna. I don't know why, but I always thought Johanna might be gay, and wanted to make my story different (but I do love Jonnick haha)

Anyways, enjoy! Xxx

It has been nine days since Finnick arrived, and with the reaping being 4 days away, training is well underway. With Finnick and Johanna's help, it is only three days after starting training, and my body is stronger than it has ever been. I know all the general poisonous berries, and how to make fire, avoid animals, fight off careers, and make several key weapons - which I can also use - out of various materials.

This doesn't make me emotionally prepared, which we are all working on in the next few days. Finnick has to go back to district four in a few days, and the two of us are good friends. He is not okay, Annie was very close to his heart and I know he misses her a great deal. None of us are really okay. At nights, when Finnick- who no longer receives clients- and I sleep, Johanna disappears into the Capitol, to see her "clients". When she returns, she is drunk, miserable and angry. She won't talk about it, and both Finnick and I worry a lot.

I curl up on her sofa, hot sweet tea in my hands as the sun begins to set. My muscles, though they are defined, ache from the constant exertion, and I have been on a limited diet. In the Capitol I ate lots, and although I wasn't overweight it made my hunger a distinct disadvantage. Most of the children from the Districts are starved, and this means they won't rely on food as much in the games. However, a few months ago if I went without a meal it would make my concentration lapse dangerously. Fortunately, this is better now.

"Hey there Finn. You okay?" I ask as he comes in with a hot chocolate and some sugar cubes. He nods, and sits down with a sad sigh.

"Can I give you some personal advice for the games?" He says softly.


"You have to try not to kill. When you're in there, it changes you, and makes you a more merciless, evil, person. You can end up killing for no reason and even torturing people. Please try not to, for your consciences sake when you get out. In my arena, I murdered many, and the harsh ways I killed a few of them who I could have let live for the moment has scarred me for the rest of my life. If you have to kill someone, because they pose a threat to your safety, then please try to do it humanely and quickly. Remember who the real enemy is. The other children wouldn't be there if it weren't for one person in particular. You remember that."

His speech leaves me dumbfounded and scared. It seems odd how in a few weeks I will be in the games, fighting for my life.

I nod, thanking him as I turn on the TV. I put on the Capitol channels, flicking though to the news, and what the reporter is saying gives me the shock of my life.

"Lilliana, the famous fashionista's heiress has been found, dead, under a bridge in the Dichie river. Her death saddens us all; she was tremendously loved by everyone in the Capitol, and I know that she will be missed. Now let's go over to our reporter at the scene."

The camera pans over to the bridge, where thousands of Capitol members have gathered. I choke on my tea as I see them cry, it seems so fake and surreal.

"Thank you Amanda. Yes, I am stood next to the very bridge that Lilliana is confirmed to have jumped to her death under, and we are all so sad to learn that she committed suicide at such a young age. Her family, who wish to remain unseen at this devastating time, have said that she was having lots of issues with her mental state, and they can't believe she would do such a terrible thing. They hope she is okay in heaven, as does her Uncle, our dear President Snow. Let's go to him now."

"It is so incredibly upsetting to hear of the loss of my niece. Though we were not particularly close recently due to some of her past decisions, I am incredibly sad to see that she has had to do this, and if she was here, I would love to speak to her and wish her luck in heaven."

I shut off the TV, having seen enough, and see Finnick looking over at me, shocked.

"Was that who you were, when you were in the Capitol?"

"Yeah. So now Snow's really got rid of me. If I stayed, I would have had to see his 'clients', so I guess it's for the best."

"You made the right decision, coming here. Selling your body is horrific, and it damages you in ways you can't imagine. Besides, we'd never of met you if you had stayed." He smirks at me, and I smile hopefully.

I hear the door ring, and dash towards it, wondering who it could be at 1am. It's Johanna, being dragged in by a driver. Her hair is matted and she's soaked through, her clothes ripped and skin showing. I thank the driver and put her arm over my shoulder, shouting for Finnick. He runs over, and gasps when he sees her.

He takes her drunken body from me, and I follow him upstairs. We lay her on top of the covers, and Finnick gets her a glass and some tablets to sober her up. After coaxing her to take them, we carefully bathe her, and change her clothes to pyjamas. Putting her under the covers, we notice the sun rising and check the clock. It's five am, and Finnick tells me to get some sleep, that he'll wait for Johanna to wake up. I wouldn't normally comply, but I'm so tired that I agree, and go and get some rest.


Johanna's pov.

My head hurts. 

The light is bursting in through the curtains and I open my eyes, instantly regretting it. Finnick is sat next to me, and he looks so tired that I feel bad.

"What happened?"

"I should be asking you." He replies, a little grumpily. I groan, sitting up and looking at him.

"I got drunk, didn't I." I say, not really remembering my actions the night before.

"Yes, you did. What the hell happened Johanna? You got dragged home by Snow's driver, and you come in completely pissed, clothes and hair a mess. How much did you drink?" He shouts, although I can see through his anger.

I sigh sadly, and put my head in my hands, trying to compose my emotions.

"I can't tell you what he said. But Snow said something. I had a client, which went okay, and then I had a meeting with Snow. He told me some stuff, and I got annoyed, went drinking, then flipped out and went to a club. I got thrown out because a started a fight because a guy kept hitting on me. The police were called, and Snow's driver brought me home."

Finnick sighs, and runs his hand through his hair.

"Can you tell me what he said?"

"I'm not supposed to."

"Since when did that stop you?"

"Shut up Finn it's serious. He's threatening to kill Lilly because we're training her. He told me that he knows you are involved, and he wants to make us pay for training her by tracking down Annie, and hurting her because I have no family left."

Finnick stares at me, shock creeping over his face before he speaks again.

"What did you say?"

"I said I'd see more clients as a punishment, and I'd see guys."

"But you're gay. And you shouldn't be doing it for me, it's not fair on you."

"What else could I do? I can't let Lilly die. I really care about her. She can't be killed because of me. Neither can Annie ." A tear rolls down my cheek, and I wipe it away ferociously. "It's not fair."

"Don't worry Jo, we'll sort something out. I promise you." He lies next to me on the bed, our hands locked together comfortingly.

"Let's hope we do."

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