Chapter 6

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Lilly's pov

I give Finn and Jo a wide berth the next morning. I heard loud voices at around five, and then they stopped, and I am worried and want to help, but they have known each other for a long time.

I have realised I probably don't know them that well really.

The reaping is in a few days, and I spend most of my day watching old games on the TV, trying to formulate a plan. I could go in, all guns blazing like a career, but probably get killed in the bloodbath. I could do what Johanna did, and play weak, but her games was only two years ago, and people will remember and realise what my plan is. Or, I could hide, and hope that the arena will have something I can use my intelligence for.

I'm best at engineering, I went to school for longer than any of the district children have, and my education was excellent: the best teachers in Panem, and the best school. 

That will be my strategy: intelligence.

I still can't decide on a name or personality. One one hand, I could be Lilly Jones, the cocky intelligent girl, who loves hanging with her friends and charming boys with her wit. Or, I could be Lilly Wood, the silent but deadly killer, who is confident in a quiet, but commanding way. I have to say, I prefer the latter by a long way.

In the reapings, I will show little to no emotion, and try to fit in in the training, by doing well enough at the weapons stands to not seem like a weakling, but badly enough to not seem like a threat. In the interview, I will probably talk of my love of this Capitol, and say how much I adore the intelligence of the designers and the architects who create such wonders. If I suck up to them, maybe they will see how much I look like Lilliana (a little ironic), and if I mention my sadness about her death, they will love me even more. This plan sounds good.

In the games, I will hide somewhere, equipping myself with a weapon and tools, and gathering food and water using tactics shown to me by Johanna and Finnick. If we are in a rural area, I can admire the beauty of the nature around me to get more sponsors, and if we are in a city or urban area I will admire the way the buildings look, and act wistful and cute.

I don't tell Johanna and Finnick these plans yet, and as I see that it is dinner time, and they are still upstairs, I start to cook them a meal. I make spaghetti bolognese, and some garlic bread. It's simple, but nourishing, and takes me around 30 minutes to cook.

Once it is ready, I hear footsteps and they walk in, Finnick following Johanna who looks tired and upset, but sober at least. I go and hug them both, smiling kindly at them as they smell supper.

"Smells great Lil, what is it?" Johanna asks quietly, and I tell her and serve up, the three of us tucking in.

"So, I think if you go into the games, you need a new name, and you should inform the peacekeepers so they know who you are." Finnick says, and I tell them my plan of a new personality, and of my plan for the games. They listen intently, nodding and murmuring approval at convenient times, and when I look unsure, they smile encouragingly.

"It sounds great Lilly, and I'm glad you are keeping more or less the same first name. I think you're set to win these games." Finnick says, but I sense sadness creeping into his voice.

"I'm sorry about your tributes Finnick. I forgot that you're a mentor too." I say, realising why he may be upset. In order for me to win, his tributes will die. That's two lives both of us will feel responsible for ending.

"It's okay I guess, I just don't want to mentor another year of these stupid games." He says, and Johanna puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. I wonder if they are a couple, and decide to ask.

"So, are you two like a thing? Because the Capitol media says it all the time, even though there was Annie and I was wondering..."

Finnick spits out his drink, laughing and Johanna giggles adorably, she looks so cute. I feel myself go red now, and embarrassed I apologise.

"I'm sorry, that was none of my business."

"It's fine" Finnick laughs, and so does Johanna. Why are they laughing?

"Lilly, I'm gay, I'm not into guys." Johanna says between laughs, and I nod, laughing now too.

"I never realised, sorry. That must get annoying then, the Capitol shipping you and Finnick."

"Yeah, but it's okay."

She goes quiet and I wonder how I upset her, but Finnick gives me a look telling me he would explain later, and not to push further. I go with it, and wash up the dishes, before we all head to bed, exhausted though we did little.

A/N So this was just a kinda quiet, cute chapter before it all kicks off... but SPOILERS haha. Anyways, the coming out bit was quite cute - it was fun to write so I hope you liked it!

Please vote, comment and give me a cheeky follow if you liked it, if you like! (does anyone else watch Doddleoddle on youtube? I love her!

Bye xx

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