Chapter 13

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The anxiety I felt in the lift should probably be diminishing now I am waiting in a long queue of other tributes, but it's just getting worse and worse. I am nauseous, and as much as I try to hide my shaky, fumbling fingers, there's no hope. The atmosphere could be cut with a butter knife.

I try to ignore the goosebumps on my arm; my worst enemy sitting right next to me, arms almost touching.

If I go my whole life and never have to touch him again, I would know that luck is real.

But somehow, I think my luck is running out.

There's a noise, and I look to my left to see the boy from one enter the room where he will be scored from 1 to 12 on his ability to murder the very people sat with me. This makes me feel even more sick, and I clench my jaw, tapping my feet to stop everyone seeing my shaking legs.

Time crawls by, and the girl from one is gone, then the boy and girl from two, three, four, five and six. I can hear the silent sobs from twelve's tributes.

Then, all of a sudden, Adam gets up. I realise, that, actually I have no idea what his skills are. What will he get? A 5? Maybe a 10? I've been so busy trying to avoid him in training that I didn't get to see him, gage his skill set and weaknesses.

And now, it is time.

I walk, slowly but surely to the door, and enter the place I probably dread more than the games at the moment. 

Inside, a variety of weapons and tools, with paint and ropes, line the walls. As I scope it all out, I see targets, spears, tridents, knives, swords, bows and arrows, and an array of weapons I don't even know the name of. 

I go for the knives first, grabbing them and looking over to the gamemakers. They seem mildly interested, but the drinks and foods surrounding them seem more of a priority.

Standing opposite the target, I throw the knives, hitting the target in the heart, head, stomach, neck, elbows and feet. While I throw them, I'm in the zone. No weapons have really stood out to me before, but all of a sudden the knives seem to fit in my hand.

I remember to show off other skills too, using the swords, a few spears and the bow and arrow until my breathing is ragged and my mind is clear. Then, I hear a cough.

I look over to where it came from, the gamemakers. Shit...

"Thankyou. That is all we will require." One of them says, and I mumble thanks and head out of the room, my gratuity ignored as more food is brought out. 


"So? How did it go?" Johanna asks, her and Finnick crowding me as I exit the room.

"Pretty good, I used most of the weapons. I think the knives might be my strong point, it just felt like it fitted the best."

"Great!" Finnick says positively. Then, they pause, looking at each other worriedly before back at me. What's going on?

"What was that look for? Is everything okay?" I ask, the knot in my stomach making its way back.

"I'm sure it is, just Finnick and I have been discussing something we're kinda worried about."

"Okay..." Why are they being so weird?

"It needs to be done in private though, so we will head to my room." Johanna say, and we make the awkwardly tense escalator ride to the room. By the time we get to her room, I have had enough.


Johanna POV

I don't know how to broach the subject with Lilly, but it needs to be sorted out before the games.

It all started whilst Finnick and I were talking when Lilly was doing her individual judgings. We were just saying how well she was doing, after Adam and everything that's happened, when Finnick had a horrible thought. 

What happens if she's pregnant?

She's been feeling sick, and dizzy and had nightmares and hormonal issues. Plus, I doubt Adam will have had protection on his mind when he hurt her.

I just hope she isn't. 

We finally get to my room, and I quickly make the bed and get us all to sit down on it, before making sure it is empty and locking the door.

"Right. Please can you just tell me what's going on? It's killing me."

I clear my throat, not sure how to phrase it, and look at Finnick for help. Fortunately he looks at me and starts speaking.

"So Lilly, we are basically concerned about something. Can we ask you something about your attack?" He says, keeping a calm, kind face as she tenses slightly, and inhales deeply.


"Did he use protection, at all? Did you take any emergency contraception?" She suddenly gasps, and her eyes widen. Fuck.

"No. I don't think so. God you don't think I might be...?"

"We don't know anything yet, but do you want to take a test? I have one here." Finnick says, a nervous look in his eyes.

"Lilly, look at me." I say, and she turns to me, calming slightly. "We have plenty of options. Both Finnick and I are here, supporting you, no matter what.

"Thanks. I-I'd better go and take it then.

She heads into the bathroom, and locks the door. Finnick and I look at eachother nervously, scared to know the truth.

Five minutes pass, and she emerges, shaky and white.

"I can't look at it. Please, will you two?" She approaches us, and with tentative glances we look down at the test she holds.


She looks, face dropping and tears falling as she melts into my arms, both of us in tears. Finnick's jaw is clenched, the empty expression on his face turning into one full of anger and fear.

She's pregnant.

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