Chapter 7

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Over the course of the next few days, Johanna cheered up enormously, and Finnick had to leave to go back for the reaping. 

Today is the day, and I stir in my bed, only to be woken by the lovely Johanna, who comes in bearing pancakes and tells me to budge up on my double bed. I oblige, and we tuck into our pancakes, grinning in appreciation.

"I wish I didn't have to do the games." I say, which is true.

"It's crap. But we have your back, both Finnick and I. You're not dying in there Lil, I'll make sure of it."

"I just feel so scared, and angry."

"Anger and fear are good though. They keep you sane and anyone in their right mind would feel like you do. Look how angry I get, but I don't feel ashamed of it. I let it out and you can channel it into driving you to win. The game makers are going to go for you in this games however, so never get too cocky. If you see water, assume it's poisoned, and test it before you drink it. If you see food, check if it's edible. Don't take anything for granted, because it will most likely be the game masters and Snow who try to kill you, not the other tributes."

"Are you going to be okay? Everyone worries about me, but you and Finnick still have Snow breathing down your neck." Her eyes darken a little, and her frame tenses.

"I still have to see his clients, but less so now the games are starting. In fact, I don't have any until they are over, which will give me a break. Thank you for asking me, though."

"S'okay, I should get ready." I say, and we go to get ready to go. 

I put on a gorgeous dress that Johanna bought me, it is knee length and skater style, with a tight bodice and flowing skirt. It is patterned with Aztec prints, and I pair it with some black strappy heels. My red hair flows over my shoulders, and I apply a little makeup, just some mascara and eyeliner. I look in the mirror, and seem so much older. With my hands shaking in anticipation, I walk down to the front door, where Johanna is waiting for me, wearing a smile but beautiful ankle length grey dress that shows off all her curves. She sees me, and I blush a little as her eyes skim my frame.

"You look stunning." She says, and I reply, telling her she also looks good. We smile, and walk as calmly as possible to the reaping area.

When we are around a hundred metres away, she pulls me in front of her, looking into my eyes.

"You can do this, okay? I'll be on the stage while they reap you, and I will come and see you when we get time to say goodbye, so we can talk tactics for the train and cameras. Good luck." She hugs me, and I wrap my arms around her, squeezing tightly until it is time to go.

We say our goodbyes, and she heads to the stage, while I walk to get registered. The peacekeeper at the table pricks my finger, and my 'name' appears. Then, I go and stand with the other fifteen year old girls, who stare at me, not recognising me. My clothes look much more modern to theirs, and I stick out like a sore thumb.

"Who's she?" I hear them whisper, and smirk to myself, I'm the girl who will save them from the games this year. It's me who stops their lucky asses from dying.

"Welcome, welcome!" The voice of our escort beams through at us, she look ridiculous wearing some kind of snake print dress, her make up and hair a light green.

"So, let's get on with the reapings for the 73rd annual hunger games! Are you all excited?" She beams at us, and we grimace in response.

"First however, we have a very special video brought to us from the Capitol! How exciting!" She grins, and I tune out as they play the video explaining the games.

When it is over, she goes back to the microphone, and begins to announce the tributes. Johanna and the other mentor, Blight, stand behind her, Johanna looks pissed off, which I find kind of cute.

"Well, let's start with the ladies!" She heads to the bowl and fishes around for a few moments, before pulling out a name I know is mine. They are probably all mine.

"Lilly Wood."

I start to make my way towards her, feet treading confidently as I ignore the stares and whispers of the others. I get to the stage, Johanna gives me a confident smile, and I face the crowd, awaiting the announcement of my fellow tribute.

"And now for the boys. Adam Conhaven" I look over, trying to see who it will be.

I see movement in the eighteen year old section, and the very boy from my worst nightmares comes to the front. 

It's him, the one who hurt me only two weeks ago.

I put my hand to my mouth, choking slightly as he smiles at me, offering his hand. I manage to compose myself, and shake his hand, almost losing my breakfast as he winks at me.

My breath hitches in my throat, and I barely notice what's going on until the peacekeepers lead me to the room where we say good bye.

My breaths quicken, and I lose control, hot tears slipping down my face as I collapse on the chair in the room. I can't breath, and I gasp in fear as someone grabs my arm.

"That's the bastard who hurt you, isn't it." It's Johanna, and I take a scared look at her and nod, still unable to control my breathing.

"You're having a panic attack. You're okay, just follow my breathing and it will be alright." I stay with her voice, gently calming me down from my heightened panic. Once I can breath, I look at her, tears falling and she sighs and hugs me. I burrow into her arms, head resting on her shoulder as I cry, before she pats my back and pulls me away.

"Darling, it's shit and horrible but you need to dry those eyes. You managed to keep composed on stage so well done, but you have to stay calm and confident for the cameras, like we planned. I've spoken to the other mentor, and he is keeping Adam away from us two, we will train separately, so it's okay." I nod, and she wipes away my tears.

Once we are ready, she leads me out to the train. Cameras flash brightly, and the bustle is unreal, but I manage to stay calm and smile to them, keeping my composure.

We are taken onto the train, and begin our journey to hell.

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