Chapter 6

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He is a monster.

Yulan sat crossed-legged upon his bed. The softness of the down in the mattress conflicted with the hardness of his heart. There was not a woman in his bed tonight. No, he needed to focus. Destruction is not something one should take on lightly.

His Wing had made a great argument, yet he had no desire to unleash the ugar upon his homeland.

Yulan closed his eyes and took slow, deep breaths to clear his mind. Only during mediation did his mind feel clean from the dirt and grime of self-loathing and indecision.

Aissata's words rang in his head. He knew them to be true at their core, but at the same time they only told part of the story.

A memory or a vision would come to him, something that would guide him to the proper decision. Berius sat in a wooden chair nearby, holding vigil for threats. In his deep meditative state Yulan was vulnerable to the outside world. Even though they'd dispatched their enemies, Berius would not leave him unguarded.

The memory that followed was one of the many that had haunted Yulan for years.


A castle guard tossed the young woman onto Yulan's bed. Yulan could read the trails of blue of her cheeks, tears that had caused her makeup to run down her cheeks.

She did not want this.

King Yua's voice boomed from behind. "Congratulations on reaching your adult-year Yulan. As the Reincarnation of Yua you're entitled to certain privileges. One of which is her."

The woman clutched the sheer robe around her frame. She wore nothing underneath, so Yulan could make out each detail of her naked form. Her smooth, brown skin was like the chocolate he received after his lessons with Ira. The curves of her form made Yulan's member respond, even as the fear in her eyes shamed him for having done so.

She must have known everyone could see her through the gown. Yet she clung to it as a shield against the incoming assault.

"She was born in the same cycle as you. Taught in the arts of lovemaking so that your initiation might be as painless as possible. This will be the highest honor that she ever achieves."

"She is not of the Blood?"

"No," Yua said, a sneer across his face. "You will use her as you wish, so that we know that you are capable of producing an heir. If you fail, there is always Yusabin."

"No!" Yulan screamed. "I will not fail."

Yua smiled and the gold in his teeth glistened in the firelight. "Good."

Yulan's fear propelled him forward, but the woman's demeanor returned him his thoughts.

"But she doesn't want to," Yulan said.

"Are you friendly?" King Yua yelled. He yanked Yulan by the hair, sending Yulan sprawling on his back. "No son of mine will be friendly."

Yulan held up his hand in defense and screamed. "I am not friendly!"

His father grunted and thrust his hand to Yulan. Yulan took quickly, less his father think him defiant.

Tears threatened the corners of Yulan's eyes. He'd been proud of his recent threading. He had strands of gold to signify his status as the Reincarnation of Yua. Red to signify his connection to the Blood. It should have been beautiful, yet it was another tool for his father's wrath.

Yua folded his arms. "Then what is the issue?"

"She does not want this."

"Yes she does," Yua said. "Even if she doesn't realize it in this moment. You?"

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