Chapter 35

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She found Yulan not that far from the home with his arms folded, staring at the sun as it broke the horizon. If not for his steady breathing, he could have been a statue chiseled from stone.

Her earlier efforts to talk with Yulan hadn't worked, so she simply walked through the ankle-high grass until she was next to him. She touched Yulan on the shoulder to let him know she was there. Then she waited.

They stood there for a few moments in silence, watching as the sun lifted from the horizon. Deep red rippled in the along the sky and the clouds streaked through the air. It looked as though the world itself was on fire.

For a moment, she thought he might not have noticed her presence. She was considering touching him again when he spoke.

"I saved Yusabin's life."

Alaina held her tongue. She wasn't sure if he wanted a response from her or for her to listen. She chose the latter.

"In Yua, there is a law which states that there can only be on Reincarnation of Yua at a time. In times past, when there were multiple Reincarnations, it engulfed my homeland in war. When Yusabin was conceived, the King of Yua was forced to choose between him or me."

Alaina nodded. While the country of Yua had not been her focus of study, she knew the basic structure. If his looks were any sign, Yulan couldn't be any more than five years older than Sabin.

To be a part of such a world so young.

Alaina rubbed the white ridges of Wade and the braided whip remained quiet. She assumed she had made the right choice in remaining silent.

"When he was born, I was there," Yulan said. "My father must have thought it would help me to hate Yusabin. I tried to convince myself he was a demon." He put his hands on his hips and snickered. "Do you know what the first thing Yusabin did when he was born?"

Alaina shook her head. She knew exactly what babies did when they born. She'd witnessed the occasion several times in Feral. However, Yulan wanted to talk, so she let him talk.

Yulan smiled. "He cried. A lot. He cried in the arms of our mother and father. He cried in the arms of the jine-nemaa who delivered him. But when they placed him in my arms, he did the strangest thing; he stopped. I remember it as if it were yesterday. He was wrapped in a red and gold cloth, with his tiny, fat hands reaching for the sky and his cry echoing throughout the room." Yulan held out his hands out in front of him. "In my arms – these arms - he ceased his wailing, opened his eyes and giggled. It was only seconds, but that is my first memory of Yusabin."

Alaina wiped a tear from her eye. That was a beautiful story though she had no idea how it factored into the mask or how they'd gone from loving siblings to mortal enemies.

Maybe now is the time to lead him back inside.

She put her hand on his back, its surface slick with sweat from the morning sun. However, when she tried to guide him forward, he didn't budge.

Yulan shook his head.

Alaina nodded. He wouldn't move until he was ready to move.

"There is a ceremony called the Dar Mien Murrot, where jine-nemaas – our soul guides - ask the ancestors for guidance. There was a Dar Mien Murrot for Yusabin and me where the choice was made on which of us would die. Our mother, father and the nobles of Yua wore masks like the one Disa wants me to wear now. The golden tears symbolize both a celebration and a mourning. One of us was to die that day. If the ancestors chose Yusabin as the true Reincarnation, they would kill me for the sake of country. I did not fear for my life even then. I feared for his. When they chose me, I wasn't relieved; I was angry."

Yulan sighed. "They placed him on the dais, while our father stood there, ready to sacrifice him for Yua's will. I tried to save him, but only made a scene which got me removed from the room."

"I did not understand why one of us had to die. I know it is the law, but I did not understand why. That moment I decided that I'd do what I needed to change Yua for the better. Whatever it took, I would walk in the darkness so that others could walk in the light. I do not fear that mask. It is plastic and paint. I fear what it represents."

Yulan turned and stared into her eyes. "Wind Witch, I want you to know that I do not feel remorse for killing your sister. I feel the guilt that comes from taking a life from this world, but I would do it again. Because the country of Yua needs me more than you need your sister. Hearing this, I want you to tell me true, does this make me a monster? Does my desire to live make me evil?"

Alaina's shoulders were suddenly heavy. She could feel the gravity of those words on her shoulders. This was a pivotal moment for Yulan, one that would shape him for years to come.

His life is in my hands. I could break him now for what he did to Kianna.

However, when she looked into his eyes, she no longer saw the strong, arrogant man she knew. She saw a frightened, little boy looking for guidance. If she hurt him in this moment, she would be the real villain.

"I think you ask the wrong question," she said.

Yulan raised an eyebrow.

She held up her hand. "Listen, Yulan. I have studied the lives of many great people in the world. It did not matter whether they were from as far west as Affilo or to the east in Durai, there is one trait they all shared: they did not run from their problems. They walked towards the solutions." She grabbed his arm. "If that mask is a symbol of evil, you take that symbol and change it. You bend it to your will. You shouldn't ask whether you are a monster. We all have a monster inside of us. You should ask whether you will fight it."

Yulan mouth fell open, and he nodded. He kept nodding even as his expression changed: his mouth closing, his jaw clenching and his eyes narrowing. When he stopped, Alaina knew he had made his decision.

She hoped it was the right one.

Yulan leaned forward, his face approaching to hers. Her cheeks suddenly felt hot. He was so close, almost as if he would kiss her.

I'm not ready!

She closed her eyes and waited, but his lips never found hers. Instead, they kissed the top of her head.

Oh, come on!

When she opened her eyes, his posture and confidence had returned. He stared into the distance like some hero.

Hopefully, he is one.

He stretched his arms wide and yawned. "You would have made a great Wing," he said. "If I did not already have one."

Alaina smiled. "Are you ready to return?"

Yulan nodded. "I think I understand what the Chanyu tried to tell me now."

I hope that's a good thing.

He turned to Disa's home. "I am ready to return, now. Thank you, Wind Witch."

Alaina kept her eyes on the grass and she walked next to him. She wanted to touch the top of her head where he'd kissed her, but that would have been too obvious. "Hopefully no one has seen us or those who have paid us no mind," she said. "I will help you in your journey Yulan however I can."

Yulan placed his hand on her shoulder and she hoped he didn't feel her shudder.

"Call me Lan," he said.

"What?" Alaina asked as she looked up.

Yulan smiled. "I would be honored if you called me Lan."


A/N: Well, was that what you expected? Shout out to ezicat and dwanerzgdefoe01 for catching the details of the mask last chapter. So what do you think is coming next for Alaina and Yulan?

Let me know in the comments.

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