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Dear Grace,

It's 11:33 pm. December 26th. Almost 2016. Not quite.

Our ceiling is leaking.

My mom is yelling - again.

One of our dogs is dying - Sparky. We have to put him down on Monday.

I'm really lonely. I guess that's my fault though. I never was good at texting back. We haven't talked - really talked - in such a long time. I don't know if you're lonely.

I've gained a lot if weight. Too much. I started counting calories again. My new friend Raine makes sure I don't eat too much. 700 a day. 1 hour of cardio a day. I made ankle weights to burn more walking around the house. I wear them under my sweat pants. I lost 10 pounds this week.

I don't want to go back to school. I just want to sit at home, and keep cleaning my room. I haven't read Ch 23 for APUSH. I did make a chart of geologic eons, eras, and periods. We live in the quaternary period, the cenozoic era, and the phanerozoic Era (which started 540 million years ago).

My phone is dying.

I'm dying.

I'm sorry.

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