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Dear Grace,

18th January 2016

I'm really happy. I went from 189 to 176. It can only get lower from here. I can't believe I let myself get that HUGE. But it'll be okay soon. I will be 130 by May. I know I will. Mark my words..

Janet is off of her feeding tube now. She put weights in her bra and she was at 85 so they took her off of it. But she said she's going on a diet. I wish I was like her.

Jessalyn painted this super cute painting for her anniversary and it's the cutest thing ever her boyfriend is going to love it I'm sure.

I've been talking to this guy I like. a lot lately for some reason but I'm not complaining. I get really nervous around him but I like being in his presence. Just thinking about him makes my face get a warm and stuff.

Mother is at Zumba (remember when I told you a few years ago how she took me to one? Well she still goes but now she makes me stay home and babysit) and so I made myself dinner ((280)) and it was this really good gumbo. I liked it.

EDIT: my parents are home now. They basically told me I need to do more than I already am, which is watching their child because they go to the casino on school nights and I stay up until the asscrack of dawn studying and doing my homework. But that's apparently not enough for them.

It doesn't matter anyway. Nothing I do is ever good enough for them.

I'm going to end up working myself to death.

But they don't care.

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