Chapter Twenty Five: Salwar Capris

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I walked through the hallways to get to my first period class on Monday. As I walked my way to the class with my head down, minding my own business, I felt a hand yanking at my arm.

I yelped, and pulled my arm away from the strong grip. "What the-"

"It's just me," I heard Amir's voice whisper.

I immediately huffed, and walked away from him. He again grabbed my arm, pulling my towards him.

"Listen to me-"

"What do you want, you disgrace?" I spat out harshly, crossing my arms. I made sure not to make eye contact with him.


Suddenly, I saw a girl, who I have never seen before, bouncing over towards Amir. Once she had approached him, she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I had fun yesterday," she whispered, smiling up at him, standing on her tippy toes. She was quite short.

After I processed what she said, my eyes immediately widened, as I waited for Amir's reaction. That monkey-

He just looked at me, and back at her, with a tight smile.

The girl, totally oblivious, simply walked away happily, with her long brown hair swaying.

"You are disgusting Amir Ahmed. You are a horrible human being," I said, shaking my head, proceeding to walk away from him.

"Listen," Amir said dangerously, grabbing my shoulder for the third time, stopping me in my tracks. "You are not going to tell anyone about what just happened now, and what happened on Saturday, you hear me?"

I scoffed.

He grabbed my wrists and gripped on it tightly, causing me to gasp in pain.

"You are not going to tell anyone, alright?"

"Let go of me!" I cried, wincing in pain.

He realized how hard he gripped my wrists, and he finally let go.

"I can't believe you, Amir," I said, shaking the pain away. "I don't even want to see your face, ever again."

He just stared at me, emotionless.

"I can't- you know what? I'm done with you. I don't want to spend time with someone this pathetic," I finally said, walking away from him.

"I swear to God, Nafisa," I heard Amir's voice call from behind me. "If you tell anyone, there will be consequences."

I chuckled to myself, walking further away from him. Little did he know, he's the one to face those consequences in the HereAfter.

I sat on the lunch table with my chin in the palm of my hand. I was pretty done with life at this point. I was done with my parents, boys, teachers and school work.

"Why aren't you eating anything?" Sana asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I frowned.

"Come on, Nafisa. You've been like this all day."

"What's the point?" I murmured.

I heard Sana sigh. "Nafisa. Shut up and eat your food. Don't start questioning your existence."

She knew me too well. She's had to deal with my moods all the time. I sighed, taking a slow bite out of my burger.

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