Good bye my dearest.

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(So I'm gonna make this my last part. I've enjoyed writing this and I hope you have enjoyed it too. I cried so much writing this, my God. Until next time readers.)

Erwin slowly started to recover. And despite all of this he can still smile, he smiles when I wake up with messy hair, he smiles when I help him shave and get dressed, he smiles when I bring him tea in the afternoon and he smiles when I kiss him good night and curl up under his arm. He's the strongest I've ever seen him. He insists I buy him one of those shitty Sina papers some days, I buy one every day but only give him the ones that aren't talking shit about him.

He sits gently carding his fingers through my hair reading through the paper I'd gotten him today. The soft rise and fall of his chest and his strong heart beat is lulling me to sleep. A knock on the door spooked me a little... spooked, do you say that? I'm not saying scared because I wasn't scared... Anyway. I get up, fix my hair and clothes before opening the door. Three tall men and two soldiers barge in. Higher-ups; great. I close the door and move to sit in the chair next to Erwin. He lifts his hand to salute but I grab it and push it back on the bed. These fuckers don't deserve a salute.

"Smith," One of them spoke, offering to shake Erwins hand but putting forward the wrong one, "How are you doing?" Erwin just looked at it for a moment before directing his eyes somewhere else. My scowl turned bitter for a moment, I stood up and grabbed the paper laying next to Erwin. I folded it and placed it on the dresser across the room. When I turned back he'd realised his mistake and tried to continue the conversation. "So we've come to ask you about your plans for the future," He said, "In private." The two soldiers left leaving the higher-ups staring at me. One of them nodded towards the door.

I walk out the door, making sure I slam it pretty hard. "Fucking arseholes." I couldn't stop myself cursing. I heard someone clear their throat, it was those two soldiers. They stood perfectly either side of the door. Both of them were looking at me. "What?!" I bit, bearing my sharp teeth slightly.
"You shouldn't speak like that about your superiors." His voice cracked as he spoke.
"They aren't my fucking superiors, they're as pompous as the Military pigs." I say leaning against the wall opposite, fixing them both with a scowl. Neither of them spoke again.

I don't know how long I waited but I ended up sliding to the floor and picking out faults in the soldiers uniforms. I was sat on the floor a little while longer when the door finally opened. The pigs emerged again, calling the soldiers and leaving without even a nod towards me. Fine, I didn't want to speak to them anyway. I walk back into Erwins room. He was rubbing a hand over his forhead. Slowly I approach. I sit on the bed next to him, brow furrowed in concern. "They want me out and back on duty in a month or they're forcing me out of the job..." He sounded weak when he spoke. He looked up at me, his face was grim and sad. I take off my jacket and cuddle into his side.

He kisses me and then speaks again, "Why are you still here, Levi?" I pull out of his grip and face him. "Because I love you," I say, my bottom lip quivers, "Why would I leave you now? I've loved you since the day I met you."
"But I'm useless now, I can't even get dressed on my own. I'm not fit to be a commander. I'm a mass murder with all the soldiers I've sent to their deaths." His voice rises a little. We sit in silence for a moment. "I have no one to go to without you. When you die, I'll have no one else. No one understands me like you do." I'm strong enough to not allow my voice to shake. When Erwin lowers his eyes from my face I can't help but lift his chin and kiss him. I need to show him that I still love him regardless of his military status or his arm or what he's done. So I let him take me, my body, my heart, everything.

Erwin was back behind his desk within a month but it didn't do anything for his health. He was weak. His mind wasn't as strong or as fast working, he couldn't think of plans for another expedition. He'd fall asleep at his desk or in the mess hall. And soon enough he got sick.
He was bedridden for a week and then the higher-ups came... He was forced from his job. For the first time in all the years I've known him, he cried. The moment they left, tears fell from his eyes. It destroyed him. And I stopped taking orders. I only follow my commander. His health declined quickly from then.

I lay on his chest, the heavy rise and fall of his chest and his hard breathing keeping me awake. "Thank you, Levi," His voice made tears fall from my eyes, "I know this is the end for me. So I thank you for staying with me, for looking after me, for loving me when no one else would."
"I love you, Erwin."
"I love you too, Levi... Do you mind... if I have one last kiss?" I couldn't have moved faster. He smiled and I bent down. Our lips met softly. I moved my hand over his heart. I kissed him a little harder. Slowly the beats grew further apart until they finally stopped, his lips falling lump under mine.

My face falls to the crook of the neck. I cry unreservedly, screaming into his silent chest. My fingers grip his shirt.

Adventually I stop, crying wasn't going to bring him back. I stand placing one last kiss on his forehead, when I look at his face it makes me smiles. A peaceful smile sits on his face. Slowly I walk away. I leave the room and walk to Hanjis room. I knock and wait for an answer. She answers the door, scruffy as always. "What are you doing here, Levi? I thought you were with... Oh no." She pulled me into a hug when the realization hit her. "Do you want to stay here for tonight?" She asked but I shake my head, telling her I need a walk. I then walk to Erwins office. I sit behind his desk and start to write this letter. I apologize, it's very long winded but I needed to tell you everything. Not many people knew of mine and Erwins love nor what he was like outside of his role as a commander. Once I finish this I'll tack up my horse and ride it to the nearest wall, where I'll climb to the top using the 3DMG. I will then slit both my wrists and let myself fall off the egde, into titan territory. The fall will destroy my body making it impossible for me to heal. Don't try and recover my body, there's no need.
Sincerely Captain Levi Ackerman.

I'm coming Erwin, Petra, Eld, Gunther, Olou, Mum. Just wait for me okay.

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