Chapter 3 - Nothing Special

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We had been in Starbucks around fifteen minutes now and from how much we've been telling each other about one another I feel as if I've known Jai for a while. I have basically told him everything about me, well everything that I felt comfortable with telling him of course.

***JAI'S POV***

The entire time she was telling me about herself I sat there staring into her eyes, taking in every little thing she was telling me. Her eyes, there're so blue, so beautiful, I could stare into them all day. And her hair, the way it cascaded down her back, the blonde colour reflecting in the sunlight. She was gorgeous.

It was now my turn to tell her a little about my self. Of course I didn't tell her the whole truth about me. I actually made up most of it, I couldn't tell her who I really am, what I'm really like.

I wasn't exactly going to come out and say 'well yeah I'm a psychotic human being who enjoys seeing people in pain, and get creepy voices in my head which basically control me and tell me what to do such as hurt and kill people.'

Yep that's basically me.

The voices in my head they tell me what to do, they control me. They make me hurt people, kill people. They have taken over my head, and my life. I've lost everyone because of them.

My mum moved out of the country because of me but my two brothers stayed with me because they insisted that they would try to help me get better. I thought I was getting better for a while, the need to kill someone hadn't crossed my mind for a while and I felt a lot better, until one night it all changed.

I flipped, I had a break down.

In the end I lost my brothers, the only family I had left. I almost killed them both and in the end they said they'd had enough so moved away. I haven seen either of them in five years. Not one text, call nor conversation. I was broken.

I then stopped caring about what people thought of me, the voices in my head made me lose everything and everyone. I haven't had many friends in the last five years because whenever I get close to someone the voices end up making me hurt them in some way, whether it's physically hurting them or worse, killing them. Ever since I lost my brothers I've been too scared to get close to any one else, they'd just end up getting hurt.

Madison seemed interested in what I was telling her, so I guess she obviously must be believing every word I was telling her.


Madison and I were now walking around various shops. She had brought a few items of clothing and so had I.

"Wait! I need to try this on." She said in excitement, holding up a black body-con dress.

"I'll be just a sec." She cooed. I nodded signalling that I would wait. A couple minutes later Madison appeared again, this time wearing the black dress.

"How does it look?" She asked.

I took a few seconds just to scan every inch of her body. The dress looks perfect on here. It hugged her curves in all the right places, making her petite figure look even more amazing. The dress ended about mid thigh, showing off her stunning, tanned legs. The front of the dress had a bit of a low cut neck which showed off just the perfect amount of cleavage, not too much. Not that it would be a bad thing. Madison did have quit large boobs so she filled out the chest area of the dress perfectly.

"It looks gorgeous." I told her truthfully. She turned around to five the mirror that was placed behind her and as she did so I couldn't help but take a quick look at her, rather large ass. Wow. I thought to myself.

Madison truly was a stunning girl. Her beautiful blonde hair, and amazing blue eyes. She perfect figure and her truly gorgeous face. She was a lovely person to speak to also. Just what I need. Wait. I can't get too close to her, it will just result in her getting hurt. I glanced at her beautiful face once more, giving her a gentle smile. It's going to he very hard trying not to fall for her though.


"Wait! I need to try this on." I told Jai in excitement as I held up a black body-con dress.

"I'll be just a sec." I cooed. He nodded in reply, signally that he would wait for me.

Jai and I had, had an amazing day so far. I feel as if I've really gotten to know him. I really like him actually, he's so sweet and really funny.

He seems as if he's had quite a hard life though. He told me that his dad used to beat his mum, but his mum never told anyone as she loved him too much. In the end his dad moved to England and is now remarried and has two more children. He said that he currently lives on his own but still sees his mum and two brothers occasionally. He had a strange look on his face while he was telling me all this, a look of what seemed, of guilt. Maybe I'm just over thinking though?

I stepped out of the changing room, now wearing the black body-con dress. As I stepped into Jai's view I saw his eyes scan every inch of my body. Once his eyes got up to my chest he bit his lip. God he's so attractive arghhh.

"How does it look?" I asked him. His gaze then went up to my eyes.

"It looks gorgeous." He told me, I could tell by the tone in his voice that he meant it too.

"Oh, I thought it might have been too, you know revealing round the chest area." I giggled making hand signals to show the area I was talking about.

"No it's perfect." He cooed. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly due to his remark. I titled my head down slightly to hid the fact that I was blushing.

"Are you blushing?" He questioned with a smirk spread across his face.

"N - no." I tried to speak without laughing.

"Yes you are." He replied laughing, pointing towards my now pinkish coloured cheeks. "Why?"

"Erm." I needed to try and tell him something without seeming 'up myself'. "It's just that its nice to have someone speak about me in that way rather than say words like 'fit' or 'hot' or by slapping me on the ass 0r what ever. I don't see why people would do that anyway, I'm nothing special."

"You are special though, your absolutely beautiful Mads. Everyone  can clearly see it, but your right they shouldn't let you know in that way." He spoke.

He called me beautiful?


Hope you enjoying this so far. I have big plans of what I what to happen in this story, so keep reading if you wanna find out!

- Olivia x

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