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"Alex hurry up!" My dad yelled. Can't this man wait. I was looking for my black beanie, but I couldn't find it. Fuck it.

I walked down stairs and walked out the door. I met my family in the car. My dad, mom, and sister.

I'm a different girl. I'm not depressed or anything, but I'm also not the happiest person ever. I can get annoyed over the littlest things. Literally.

My name is Alex I'm 18 and I love dark colors and my favorite seasons are winter and fall, because I get to wear dark colors without being judged. I'm also the least liked in my family. My parents don't really pay attention to me.

On the other hand my sister is completely the opposite. Her name is Zoe She's also 18 but I'm just 2 months older than her. She loves bright colors and her favorite seasons are summer and spring. She's the most liked in my family. My parents care so much about her. If she were to get a paper cut my parents would literally pray for her.

"Hello" Zoe says raising her voice and waving her hand in my face. Ugh she irritates me. "What" I say not really interested on what she has to say. "God.. mom said to get off the car and go inside the store for a pit stop before we go to the airport" Zoe says half yelling. I haven't even noticed my dad had already driven to a gas station and that they already left.

"sorry I don't really wanna put up with your bullshit" I say in a normal tone avoiding eye contact. "Whatever just hurry up" Zoe says getting off the car. I just grabbed my phone and slid that in my pocket and walked in the gas station.

When I walked in I noticed my aunt Kara was here. I walked over to her and greeted her. "Alex look how much you've grown!" She says while hugging me tightly as I hugged her back.

My aunt Kara was like a mother a real mother who cared might I add. She's the one who's been there for me when no one else was. I'm moving to Virginia and I'm gonna miss my aunt so much.

As we pulled apart I smiled at her and said my good bye and went to go grab me 'Arizona Green Tea'. As I was walking away all I heard was my mom saying how much she loved and cared for Zoe. Not one time did she mention me. God my own mother doesn't even love me.

I just rolled my eyes and saw my dad. "Hey dad" I say smiling and grabbed me my Arizona. "Huh? Oh hey Alex" he says grabbing a monster. I wanted to start a conversation with him because I really don't talk to him, but Zoe came.

"Hey dad uh is this ok?" Zoe asked my dad as her hands were full of food and drinks. "Of course sweetie"  he says as he kisses her forehead.

My dad hasn't kissed me in 5 months and he always gives Zoe kisses.....

"Alex is that what your getting?" My dad asked shocked. I nodded. "Oh no honey that's to much, you either buy it yourself or you don't get anything" he says walking away.

Are you fucking serious?! All I have is tea and Zoe has her hands full of food and drinks and he's paying it for her.

I was gonna pay for my tea anyway but that really pissed me off.

I ended up buying my tea and I got in the car. I got my ear phones out and plugged them into my phone because Zoe was talking about sports, which I'm not into.

I finished my tea and I looked out the window. It was cloudy out today and it looked like it was gonna rain.

We were at the airport and I kept thinking negative about moving. Like why did my dad even get a new job? He had a perfect job here in Tennessee, but then again this can be a new start.

"When will you ever listen" Zoe asked me. I just looked at her confused. "We're leaving" she said in a duh tone and flipped her hair as she walked away with my parents.

I just rolled my eyes grabbed my suit case and walked over to them.
We got on the plane and we took our seats. Zoe had to sit by me. "Really what the fuck have I done to deserve this" she said throwing her hands up. She's not happy that she's forced to sit by me.

I just put my earphones in and started listening to The Weeknd and I fell asleep.

This is a new start....

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