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I slowly opened the door revealing a class full of teenage students.

"So we're gonna review- oh hello there how may I help you ladies?" When he greeted us the entire class looked at us I'm guessing this is Mr. Ronald.

I was about to speak but I noticed a group of girls whispering things. Were they talking about me? What could they possibly be saying. I guess Zoe saw how I was acting and she spoke instead.

"Yea are you Mr. Ronald?" Zoe asked as he nodded. "Ok I'm Zoe Rivera and this is my sister Alex Rivera were new here" Zoe says calmly. How can she not get nervous. "Ah wonderful come introduce yourself to the whole class" Zoe nodded and dragged me up there.

No no no, I can't talk in front of them.

"Hi I'm Zoe Rivera I'm from Memphis, Tennessee my favorite color is purple and I love summer I'm 18 and I have a sister that can be annoying at times but I love her" Zoe says looking at me I smile at her and she returns the smile. "I also would love to make a bunch of friends" she finished. "That was great you have lots of confidence" Mr. Ronald said to Zoe and turned to me "your turn" he says. I immediately froze. Zoe came over to me and whispered "come on it's ok" I nodded and went up the the front.

"Hi uh my name is Alex Rivera I'm from Memphis, Tennessee. I'm 18 my birthday is September 25. My favorite seasons are winter and fall and I hope to make friends this year" as I finished I heard a couple laughs from the group of girls. When Zoe was talking they smiled the entire time. I can already tell they'll like her and they'll hate me. I looked away and saw a guy with dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. Wow he looks pretty cute. What am I saying he looks hot.

"Alright thank you, Zoe sit by Rachel Gardener, Rachel raise your hand" Mr. Ronald said and the girl from that group who were laughing at me raised her hand. She had long blonde hair and big green eyes, I could tell she was 'popular'. Zoe went to have a seat and Rachel immediately started talking to Zoe.

"And Alex sit by Matthew Espinosa, Matthew raise your hand" Mr. Ronald now said. The smokin hot guy I was staring at earlier, but he raised his hand like he was annoyed. Damn, he doesn't like me.

I walked over to the empty seat beside him and sat down. I wanted to talk to him but he would probably be creeped out for no reason. I just sighed and took out the history book and just thought of the school year.

I felt a tap on my shoulder I picked my head up. "You're on the wrong page" Matthew whispered. My cheeks turned a bright pink color. "Oh my uh what page is it?" I whispered to him. "350" Matthew whispered. "Thanks what are we supposed to be doing?" I asked him still in a whisper. He chuckled because I wasn't paying attention. Wow that chuckle damn. "You're reading page 350-355, but I'm not even reading" Matthew said and caused me to laugh.

"Mrs. Rivera" Mr. Ronald called out. Zoe and I looked at him wondering who he was talking to. "Oh sorry Zoe I meant your sister Alex" he said looking at me. Zoe just nodded and continued reading but she was passing notes to like 3 people. She already made friends and I haven't made any. I was hoping Matthew could be my friend or even more than a friend.

"Stop talking and read" Mr. Ronald said. I nodded and pretended to read. I wanted to talk to Matthew again. He seems chill and-


Everyone got up and rushed out the door. I remember I don't have Zoe next period. I looked around for Zoe but I saw her walking out with Rachel and the other group of girls. Yep, Zoe is officially popular.

I sighed and grabbed my book. I was walking out but felt someone pulled my arm back into the classroom. "Hey Alex right?" Matthew asked me. I nodded and decided to mock him. "Matthew right?" I asked back. He smiled and nodded "but I go by Matt" he added and I nodded.

"So what class do you have next?" Matt asked me. I looked at my schedule. "Uh I have Mrs. Brien Math" I look at him. "Cool I have that next class lets go" he said and we rushed to Math class.

It was so boring in there because it's math class. Matt sat on the other side of the room and he kept making silly faces at me and I tried not to laugh at the ugly but cute faces he was making. I literally met Matt today and we were acting like We've known each other for a long time.

I have a feeling Matt will be my friend, but idk he could just be nice today then tomorrow he'll stop talking to me.

*skip 3rd and 4th period*

Yass finally lunch! I didn't have 4th period with Matt so idk if he'll eat lunch with me I hope he would, but he probably won't. I found a table that was empty and decided to sit there. I turned around due to the laughter I was hearing. Zoe and that group of girls were sitting together. They were at the top section which I'm guessing is for populars since it was filled with popular looking kids.

The bottom sections was for the non-popular people. Yea I definitely belong here. I walked in the lunch line and the food looked disgusting so I just decided not to eat. While I was waking back to my table I was looking at the top section hoping to see Matt. I found him sitting at the table were Zoe was. What if he likes Zoe? Damn Alex snap out of it.

I walked to my table and sat down and got on my phone. From the corner of my eye I saw someone sit down beside me. It was Matt.

"Hi" Matt said in a little kid voice. "Hey" I said in a manly voice. He laughed. "Where's your food?" Matt asked while eating strawberries. "The food didn't look good" I said to him. He nodded and scooted his tray in between us. "Let's share" he said "why?" I asked him smiling. "Sharing is caring" he said while he scrunched up his nose. I laughed so hard he looked so cute. I thanked him and we shared.

Does this mean Matt and I are friends?

*skip rest of the day*

Finally school was over. Today wasn't to bad. Matt made my first day awesome! I walked over to my car. "I wanna drive" Zoe whined. I laughed and tossed her the keys. She started the car. I saw Matt get in a black convertible camaro. He noticed me staring and he smiled and waved at me. I laughed at him and waved back.

"So you and Matt tell me everything" Zoe said putting on her  sun glasses. What does she want me to say Matt and I aren't dating were just frien- wait I don't even think we're friends. "What about us?" I asked her. "You like him" Zoe said. "Nuh-uh" I lied sounding like a kid. She smiled and drove off.

When we got home we saw a sticky note on the fridge.

"We're out for the week we'll be back Sunday around 11:30. No miss behaving girls. NO BOYS!

Love you :)

- mom and dad "

I threw the note away and ate. "Alex I'm having a sleep over at Rachel's I'll be back on Sunday at 6:45 before mom and dad get here" Zoe said while grabbing her stuff. Great I'm alone for the entire week, Wait why am I even complaining. "Ok have fun" I said to Zoe and she left.

I was half way upstairs but Zoe came back "hey I'm taking the car" I nodded and she walked out again. When I got to my room and realized I let her take my car. How am I supposed to get to school this week? Ugh fuck it I'll take the nasty bus.

I took a shower, changed into pajamas, ate, brushed my teeth and finished my homework.

Now off to bed and dream about Matt. 

Meant to be (Matt Espinosa fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن