Chapter 9 (part 2)

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'This is perfect Andy! I love you so much!' You exclaimed ecstatically. You were gong to see (Y/F/C- your favourite comedian). Andy took the tickets out of his trouser pocket, took your hand and led you towards the box office.
It was about half way through the show and you and Andy were in stitches. (Y/F/C) was hilarious! At that moment you realised you needed to go to the bathroom. You told Andy and got up and headed toward the doors at the back. You heard someone else get up behind you and follow you. You shook it off, walked out the doors and went into the Ladies.
Once you'd finished doing your business, you opened the door to the Ladies to go back and join Andy. But that was when you saw a strong arm wrap around you petite body and felt a gun on the back of your head. 'Don't make a sound or I will blast your brains out. Oh, and I'll kill your pretty boyfriend as well.' The man commanded. You knew that voice but you couldn't place it. To be fair on yourself, the voice was extremely muffled. Suddenly, you felt a blindfold go over your eyes and a piece of fabric went between your teeth, disabling you to speak. Your attacker started to walk and of course, he took you with him. You heard a door being pushed open and you felt a gust of crisp night air. Without warning, your captor pushed down your head and lifted you into some kind of vehicle. You heard the ignition turn on and then you started driving. Driving away from Andy. 'I hope Andy realises I am missing and calls the cops. Oh god, what the hell is gonna happen to me?!' You thought to yourself, slowly starting to panic.
~~~TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY RYUK'S APPLE (if you understand that reference, comment what it is)~~~
You could hear your captor open another door and you were shoved through. You felt yourself being pushed and tied up to either couch or a bed, you couldn't tell. Suddenly, your blindfold was removed and so was the fabric from your mouth. You finally saw the face of your kidnapper.
You saw the familiar look of lust in his eyes.
You saw the face of a man who used to mean the world to you.
Ronnie Radke.

Andy Biersack X Reader UNCOMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now