Moo/Brock x Male!Reader: Best Friends

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Your roommate, Craig (he had just moved back to America and his place was being cleaned so he was staying at your place) yelled from the kitchen.

"_______, there's no fooooood!"

You groaned and got up from chilling on your bed.

"Fine, I'll get groceries."

You changed your clothes and grabbed your keys and wallet, shoving your phone in your pocket.

"Thanks dork!" He yelled.

"I can just not go get groceries-"


You laughed and walked into the kitchen, flicking the back of his neck as he yelped and you walked out the door.

"Hm. Cold."

You could see your breath and so you stopped walking, gently blowing hot breath into the air as steam. Someone tapped you on the shoulder.

"U-Um, excuse me?"

You jumped a bit, but then you heard the nervous voice and smiled a little, turning to see who it was. The voice kinda reminded you of this friend you had in high school. Your best friend. His name.... His name...


The stranger- or, Brock, actually -laughed and hugged you as you jumped on him. He spun you around and set you down. He was at least 4 inches taller than you and you pouted.

"We used to be the same height."

He grinned.

"Um.. Growth spurt. After high school."

You nodded.

"Here, come inside. This is my place."

You pulled him inside and Craig groaned.

"I thought you were going out for-"

He spun around and laughed.

"Moo, I didn't know you were in town!"

He grinned.

"I was coming to visit."

You looked back and forth between them.

"What? How do you even.. Know each other?"

Craig stared at you.

"Um, right. So moo- I mean, Brock and I are friends online and you know how I'm a youtuber and I do that for a living?"

You nodded slowly.

"Brock is also a youtuber and we play together a lot. You've seen my videos?"

You nodded again.

"His name online is Moo Snuckel. We call him Moo."

You laughed.

"Oh my god, I thought I knew that voice! And the adorable giggle gave it away too."

He blushed and rubbed his arm.

"Thanks? After high school I started doing YouTube as a hobby, and it's kinda my job now."

"That's super cool. Okay, so, Brock, you get comfortable and imma go get groceries because that's what I was going to do in the first place."

Vanossgaming and Friends x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now