Chapter 22- Part 1- Is Public Affection improper?

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The next day Cora arrived at Downton. She wore a lavender dress, matching hat and white beads. She looked out of the carriage to see Robert stood outside waiting for her. The footman opened the door and out stepped Cora.

"Good afternoon Miss Levinson" Robert said charmingly.

"Good afternoon Viscount Downton" replied Cora. Robert grabbed Cora's hand and linked in with his. They started to walk.

"Everything is set up. Were having the picnic in the secret garden"

Cora looked curious. "Why is it called the secret garden?"

Robert smirked. He leaned towards Cora and whispered into her ear. "Because it's a secret"

Cora pulled a face. "Very funny, you've hurt my feelings" Cora frowned.

Robert looked at Cora worryingly. "I didn't mean it Cora. It was supposed to be a harmless joke" he pleaded.

Cora than started to laugh, he looked confused.

"I'm only teasing Robert, don't be so gullible" she laughed again. Robert pulled Cora into his embrace.

"I don't find that very funny" he said quietly whilst staring into Cora's eyes.

"Could of fooled me" she replied trying to catch her breathe, staring back at him. Robert then planted a kiss onto Cora's lips. Seconds later he pulled away. Cora looked surprised.

"I should tease you more often" she said playfully.

"Then for every time you tease me, I shall kiss you"

Cora then giggled. "Then I will defiantly tease you"

Robert shuck his head. "As thrilling as this conversation is, I must insist that we go for our picnic"

Cora then stood straight, shoulders back and then said "Yes Sir" then silhouetted. Cora was such a tease.

"Come on"

They held hands and headed for the garden.

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