Chapter 29- Setting aside your own feelings for the sake of others

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Robert returned to Downton still feeling down about the way he left things with Cora. He knew this wouldn't be the last time his Mama would interfere. She had done it before in past courtships of Robert's however Violetcs attempts were sucessful. He was determined to not let his Mana wreck this one.

You's think she'd be happy, Cora was rich. If he choose her as his bride her dowry would save the estate from bankruptcy. So why wasn't she pleased, Robert was confused. On the. Other hand his Papa was overjoyed. Patrick took an instant liking to Cora. As did Rosamund, Violet was the only one with the problem.

Robert entered the library to find his Mama and Papa deep in conversation. They stopped speaking when they noticed Robert's presence. He sat down opposite his parents.

"Did you manage to sort things with Miss Levinson?" Inquired Patrick.

"To be honest Papa, I am unsure. I think we cleared the air but Mama's words effected Cora deeply and I'm afraid that has effected her feelings towards me. They have changed slightly and I'm not sure things will ever be the same again" he answered sounding glum.

Violet visablly squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. Even though she was happy that she had achieved to slightly change Miss Levinson's feelings towards her son, she felt a smidge guilty for her Robert's emotional state. She had never witnessed him this sad before and over a girl to. She then realised that she got Miss Levinson all wrong. She was the reason her own son was unhappy.

"Oh my dear boy, I am sorry. I'm just protective, well too protective over the Crawley name and who is worthy of gaining the title. I have an idea. I would like you to accompany me to Miss Levinson's hotel in a couple of days time. I need to give her my sincere apologises face to face. I'm afraid unless your not their she will choose to not hear me out. So will you Robert?"

Robert was unsure but decided to give his Mama another chance.

"Very well Mama, but don't blow it" he said firmly and then left the library. Patrick turned to face his wife.

"I'm very proud of you dear, you set aside your oen feelings for the sake of your son. I have some new found respect for you"

Violet rose her eyebrow. Should she take it as an insult or a compliment.

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