Chapter 52 - Breaking the rules

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Cora looked in the mirror and exhaled happily. Beatrice, Martha, Betsy and Delta stood beside her looking completely astounded.

"Oh my goodnes Cora, you look absouletly beautiful. Robert is one lucky guy" Delta said.

"Thankyou so very much. It means the world to me that you are both here to share mine and Robert's special day"

Betsy looked at Cora teary. She was speechless all she could do was hug Cora.

"Your right Delta I cannot wrap my head around the fact that my friend is going to be a Countess"

Me either. The only person that could of predicted this day was Mama"

Cora, Betsy and Delta giggled in unison.

Martha then interrupted them.

"Right it's best we all get going. Oh you better come to Beatrice. I have a list of chores as long as my arm and I need you to get them all done today"

Beatrice when to leave when Cora shouted her back.

"Hold on Beatrice. You've been excused for today. As your busy elsewhere"

"And may I ask what Evershore will be doing besides her job?" asked Martha sarcastically.

"Beatrice will be attending the wedding"

Martha was stunned.

"You've invited a mere servant to your wedding! Are you out of your mind?"

"Mama it's my wedding and Beatrice is a dear friend"

"And does Robert know?"

"Yes Mama, Robert and myself discussed it and he is happy enough for Beatrice to attend"

Cora then turned to face Beatrice.

"Beatrice you are excused go and do what you need to do and I will see you at the wedding"

Beatrice smiled at Cora.

"Thankyou Cora"

Martha twisted her face and looked dismayed.

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