Chapter 3

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I shut the door and let the cold air hit me hard as I peered into the night. I looked down to my right and saw the faint orange light of a cigarette lit down the patio. I walked along the wood until I was standing right beside the stranger that I could never get my mind off of. “Hey, mind if I bum one?” I pointed to his pack and he looked hard at me, noticing my face for the third time in the past week. I could sense he knew I didn’t smoke by the way he looked at me, but it didn’t stop him from handing me a cig and his lighter. I lit it up and took a drag, not liking the taste it left in my mouth. But hey, it gave me a reason to talk to him. I sat in the chair across from him after handing his lighter back to him. My heart jumped as our fingers brushed lightly. It stayed quiet for a moment as we smoked, but he didn’t pull out his phone or something to occupy his time, he just stared at the ground. “So, you’ve got a name?” I tried to make small talk, hoping he would finally tell me his name that I’ve wanted to know for the past long seven days.

“I’m Harry.” His raspy voice was not one I expected, not at all. It only made me more attracted to him. “And you are?” He raised his eyebrows at me, staring at my face in the dark. I gulped nervously as he kept those amazing eyes locked on my face. My stomach started jumping as he licked his lips, a habit of his I found totally irresistible.

“My name is Louis.” I said quietly, still stunned from his beautiful, angelic voice.

“Nice to finally meet you, Louis.” I guessed he was referring to the times I just stared at him.

“Is it?” I casually asked, taking another hit from the cigarette.

“Guess so. Thought you’ve been stalking me the past week.” The corner of his mouth rose before he drank some more of his mixed drink.

“Nope.” I lied, deciding to change the topic altogether. “So are you from around here?” I tried not to make my questions sound so desperate, but I was dying to know.

“I am.”

“Where do you live at?”

“I don’t.” He put out his cigarette, but didn’t move from his seat in front of me, much to my relief.

“What does that mean?” I asked, confused.

“Homeless.” He leaned back in his chair, not seeming upset by what he just revealed to me. My heart sunk for him. I just couldn’t believe it. I wanted to ask so many more questions, but I wasn’t sure where to begin.

“Uh, are you staying with friends?” I let my eyes trail down his body since it was dark. I knew he couldn’t catch me.

“I hop houses usually.” He rubbed his fingers on his chin as he stared up at the dark sky. I couldn’t help but feel bad for him. And I was also wondering why. Why was he homeless? Didn’t he have any family?

“Hey, I know we don’t know each other, but if you ever need a place to stay I’ve got plenty of room.” My heart beat faster after I made my offer. I just hoped he wouldn’t think I was weird for it or something. He looked deep into my eyes for a minute and licked his lips again before answering.

“Thank you. That means a lot.” I continued staring at him until he coughed and stood up. “Think I’m heading back inside.”

“Yeah.” I stood also and followed his tiny and taller frame down to the door. My heart raced as he let me go first, and watched as I walked inside.

“So, do you know the person who threw this party?” Harry was stood very close to my side as he continued talking to me. I smiled at the fact that he actually wanted to continue speaking to me.

“Yeah, it’s my best friend Liams house. He’s sitting over there with his girlfriend Danielle.” I said, not quite pointing so I wouldn’t draw attention from Liam.

Seeing Green (Larry Stylinson)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ