Chapter 11

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Our plane left at six in the morning, and after time differences and eighteen hours in the air we will arrive in Hawaii at one in the afternoon. I wasn’t anywhere near tired, considering how I spent a majority of our time in the air sleeping. Harry sat beside the twins the whole way, which was so adorable because of how sweet he acted towards them. I sat with my mum and Lottie, while Fizzy sat next to my dad across the row from us. There was only another hour before the plane was landing, and I could barely contain how excited I was to explore the island.

Harry stared at me a lot of the trip with warm eyes. I wondered if he was thinking about what would happen later on in Hawaii. Just thinking about it made me tense every muscle in my body. I thought back to how he said he wanted me to be inside of him. My heart fluttered a bit, knowing how much I could potentially enjoy that.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, I had a bad problem in my pants. I mentally cursed at myself, eyes meeting my crotch which held a very obvious boner underneath. Lottie and my mum were both asleep, and I was sitting beside the aisle, so it would be a very easy way to the bathroom. I looked up to see Harry’s eyes looking right at the front of my jeans from across the way. Not more than ten seconds later I was in the small bathroom with the door locked.

I slid my jeans down just below my thighs and reached into my boxers, hissing at the first touch on my standing erection. I rhythmically moved my hand up and down my shaft, holding back moans and whimpers that could leave my mouth at any time.

Just then there was a knock on the door, startling me and making my heart speed up.

“Babe? Unlock the door.” Harry’s voice was muffled by the door, but I knew it was him which helped my breathing lessen.

“No.” I couldn’t let him in here. There was no way. Especially not with my whole family a few feet away. What, is he nuts?

“Don’t make me ask again, Louis.” Harry’s voice made me tense. He was going to be mad if I didn’t. Without another thought I unlocked the door and opened it a few inches, putting my face against the crack so he couldn’t see anything.

“What do you need?” I asked impatiently with my hand loosely wrapped around my length still.

“Let me help you.” His mouth rose into a smirk, eyes darkening by the second.

“No, I’ve got it covered.” I hissed at him in annoyance. Seriously, can’t a guy jack off in peace?

Before I knew it he pushed the door open with a lot of force, sending me back into the wall. The door was closed and locked again with Harry coming to me. His mouth found my neck, sucking lightly on my skin. Hopefully he wouldn’t leave a mark, dear God. His lips moved along my skin, sending shivers down my spine when they met my ear.

“I want you to come in my mouth.” Harry rasped in my ear, causing my breath to hitch. He noticed how nervous he was making me, so he did the only logical thing he could do. Kiss me.

His mouth on mine sent butterflies and sparks throughout my entirety. He took his time, using just his tongue to lick slowly along my lips until I parted for him. My arms instinctively wound in his curls, which brought a deep moan from his throat. I pulled my mouth away from his, glaring at him for the noise. He winked, and dropped to his knees.

“Oh… My… Shit.” My voice cracked as his tongue teased the head of my flesh, sending waves of pleasure through my body. He wrapped his pink lips around it next, sucking and licking the slit to get a hushed moan from my mouth. I hoped no one was listening outside the door.

My thoughts were gone the moment he took my whole length in his mouth and swallowed around me. My pulse was racing, palms sweating, vision blurring as I felt that entirely familiar feeling in my gut. The tip hit his throat and he gagged, but didn’t move to let me have maximum pleasure from his mouth. My vision flashed to his eyes, which were on mine as a tear rolled down his cheek. That’s all it took for me to come hard down his throat, gripping his hair so tight I knew it must hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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