Chapter 5

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I woke up at five as usual since it was Monday again. I really didn’t feel like moving one bit, so I rolled over and groaned loudly. There was a knock on my door and I let out some strange noise for them to just enter.

“Louis.” Harrys raspy voice said as he climbed on my bed. “This is your wake up call.” He put his hands around his mouth to make his voice sound incredibly deep. I opened my eyes and saw his face right in front of mine. “Hi.” He smiled.

“You know, I should probably warn you, I’m really not a morning person.” I said as he placed a hand on my bare back. He rubbed his hands up and down my spine, soothing any knots and aching muscles. “And that’s not helping getting me up either.” Harry laughed and took his hands away.

“Get up.” He said as he stared at me. I disobeyed and closed my eyes, still tired from lack of sleep. After dinner Harry and I parted ways into our separate bedrooms. I tossed and turned because I really wanted to go get him and tell him he could just sleep with me. My mind kept telling me no, but my heart said the opposite. But before Harry went into his room he promised he would make sure I was up at five, which of course he stuck to.

“Go away.” I mumbled, still lying on my stomach. Harry moved one leg over my bum, resting it on the other side of my thigh. The fact that he was straddling me should’ve been weird to both of us, but it wasn’t. He placed his fingers beside my shoulder blades and deeply massaged the muscles surrounding that area. I hummed, totally and completely relaxed.

“If you don’t get up right now, I’m going to call your mummy.” Harry whispered after leaning forward to my ear. His words didn’t faze me, so he stopped putting pressure on my back with his hands. He stayed laying on me, trailing his nose along the back of my neck. He licked across my shoulder, then blew air on the skin, raising goosebumps and sending chills down my back.

“That was quite possibly the rudest way to wake someone up.” I said as I clenched my muscles and felt cold all over. I rolled onto my back, but Harry kept on straddling me with the comforter between us. He looked beautiful as I stared up at him. He grinned, gripping the top of my arms and pulling me up to sit. “Are you trying to seduce me?” I asked as our faces became close in proximity.

“I would, but you have to work sweet cheeks.” He chuckled, moving off of my lap. “Come on.” He crossed his arms and smiled at me as I touched the floor with my feet. I realized I was wearing just underwear, making me feel kind of self-conscious. I started walking towards my bathroom anyways and I knew Harry stared at me the whole time until I shut the door between us.

When I was fully dressed, suit and all, I made my way downstairs. Harry was making eggs and toast from what I could smell. My nose was right, when I walked into the kitchen he was putting food around two plates that sat on the table. I could get use to this.

Harry dropped the pan when he turned around and saw me. He blinked and stared like a deer in headlights. His breath caught in his throat. I decided to just walk forward and sit down. His eyes followed me until I sat, then he was picking up the frying pan and placing it back on the counter.

“You look… Good.” Harry nodded his head up to me after sitting down.

“Oh? Is that why you just dropped the food on the tile?” I took a bite of my toast and watched Harry lick slowly over his lips.

“Can’t really hide that one.” He sighed, shaking away the thoughts. We ate in silence until we were both almost finished. Then Harry spoke again. “I may not be here when you get back.” Harry said, cautious of giving away too much information. He should’ve known I was going to pry it out of him.

“Where are you going?” I asked, with much interest.

“Friend’s house.” He replied quietly.

Seeing Green (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now