Chapter 2: Night Furies

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Thea's POV.

The torch rolled down the broadwalks. You could hear people screaming and yelling as they tried to get out of the way of the torch head. It reached the bottom and burned away the rope that had held the sheep and the dragons. 

"Sorry Dad," we both said in unison as the sheep were carried off by the dragons, that had obviously gotten out when the rope was burned away. 

"Ok... but I hit a night fury," Hiccup said the end really fast, trying to make his dad believe him. Dad grabbed us by the collar of or clothes again, making Hiccup speak up again,"It's not like the last few times dad I mean I really hit one,"

"It's true he really did," I said.

"It went just off raven point. Lets get a search party out there before i-,"

"STOP! Just stop. every time you step outside disaster falls. Can you not see that I have bigger problems. winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed," He yelled. I could see the rage on his face.

"Between the two of us the village could use a little less feeding, don't you think," Hiccup joked.

"Ah... Hiccup," I whispered.

"This isn't a joke, why can't you follow the simplest orders," Dad said with so much rage inside of him I guess he couldn't yell anymore.

"I just can't stop my self I see a dragon and I have to just kill it. It's who I am dad," Hiccup said moving his hands in a killing jester.

"Huh, many things Hiccup but a dragon killer is not one of them. Get back to the house," He almost laughed a little, then pushed us in front of him." Make sure he gets there," He pointed at Gobber.

Goober came up and grabbed us both. We walked with him in shame. Not 2 seconds later were we walking by the other kids. They laughed at us and pointed. This wasn't the first time. They continued to laugh at us as we walked past.


"He never listens," Hiccup complained, we were walking up the hill to our house.

"Seems to run in the family," Gobber muttered, following behind him. I smiled at that comment. Though Hiccup continued, ignoring him.

"...And when he does it's always with this disappointed scowl like someone skipped the meat in his sandwich," he swung his arms around gesturing to what he was saying," excuse me barmaid I am afraid that you brought me the wrong offspring's I wanted an extra large boy with beefy arms, guts and glory on the side. This here. This is a talking fish bone," Hiccup finished with an accent.

"Now you're thinking about this all wrong, it's not what you look like but what's inside that he can't stand," Gobber pointed at us.

"Thanks for summing that up," Hiccup said with a scowl.

"Look just stop trying so hard to be something you're not," He tried again.

"I just want to be one of you guys," he mumbled and went inside. Gobber sighed and began ti turn to walk away.

"I am sorry that you always have to put up with him, Gobber. I'll go talk to him if you want," I suggested.

"Thank you Thea but you don't need to talk to him. When he finds something that he is good at he will keep up with it until he masters it. Now if he feels like he can't do it then you tell him not to give up, 'cause that's what he is good at and so are you. When you find a friend tell me OK," He said, stroked my long white hair, and then walked away. I smiled and went inside.

I got inside to find Hiccup looking for his note book.

"What are you doing," I asked.

"Looking for my notebook, have you seen it?" he asked.

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