Chapter 6: Astrid

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Thea's POV.

We were up in the air for the first time. And this time it was real. We were up on the side of Berk where no one lived. I was so excited, but I had to keep a level head or I could end up in one of the rocks. 

"OK Bud we're going to keep this nice and easy," Hiccup said and looked at me. I nodded.

"OK, here we go, here we go," Hiccup said checking the wing and we curved. We glided, constantly checking the tail behind us.

"OK here we go girl. Lets make this the best fly ever," I said to GrayStream.

'Yeah. Lets do this,' she said smiling. Then we followed after Hiccup into a dive. It was awesome! The water was approaching fast, but at the last minute we pulled up and glided right above the water. We were getting close to this arch made out of rock, we had been trying this all morning. This same things. Every time Toothless and GrayStream would go after the birds. I couldn't get through to her usually when this happened.  

"Hey GrayStream don't go for the birds. Do not get distracted! OK!" I commanded 

'OK don't get distracted. Got it,' she said. Then we glided under, I looked up and saw the birds flying off and prayed to the gods. The next 3 seconds felt like the slowest 3 seconds of my life. Then boom! We made it out without a freak out spasm from Toothless and GrayStream. 

"That was great, GrayStream. You've earned a fish.

She didn't speak to me that time, all she did was make a very happy squeal that anyone could translate. I laughed and I looked over at Hiccup as we started to weave around some rocks. Hiccup still hadn't gain trust with his dragon, he waiting to long and slammed right into a rock. 

"Sorry," he said to Toothless. He repeated exactly what he did and slammed into another rock. 

"That was my fault," Hiccup apologized again. I decided that I had go help him before he killed himself. Toothless repaid Hiccup by slapping him with his ear. 

"That had to hurt," I said. We change our wing positions and started to climb into the air. 

"Oh, this is awesome!" I yelled putting my hands up in the air. GrayStream was handling the height very well. That was until I heard screaming. I looked down to see Hiccup yelling and Toothless screaming. 

"Hiccup!" I yelled and flew after him," Hiccup grab Toothless," We only went a few feet down and wind knocked us right off course. I was knocked of off GrayStream, my hook, which was supposed to keep me clipped in was bent and it let my ring go. I was free falling along with Hiccup. Hiccup was being spun around and slapped by Toothless as the dragon struggled along with him. 

GrayStream was pulling herself over to me and I to her. My fingers were grazing her wings. I grabbed one and started to work my way up to it. Constantly I was looking down at the fast approaching forest. Then I got back on and ended up quickly tying the ring and string onto a random part of the saddle. I glanced over at Hiccup and saw that he was fumbling with the ring and the hook, but he got it on. 

The fast approaching forest was only meters away from us. I pulled as hard as I could to pull GrayStream up. She followed immediately in my actions and we hit an angle that had us just above the tree lined. The wind was insane and the water and the rocks were becoming our next biggest threat. I pushed myself forward to where I was just skimming the wind while I leaned down on GrayStream. 

Hiccup was struggling, he was debating between his cheat sheet and his life. Every second he would be looking between his sheet and the rocks.   

'Hiccup just let go of the cheat sheet. You will not need it,' I screamed in his head but he didn't listen he was still debating.

'I said let go!' I screamed louder in his head. He took one was last look at it and let go. Just in time too we started to weave. Every move required a switch between gears. There was fog between all the rocks, every twist and turn was a new rock and a new gear. Until we broke through the the fog and the rocks into open water. 

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