Chapter 5: Tails and Saddles

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Thea's POV.

"Toothless!" Hiccup called.

"You have finally named him," I said holding my basket of fish and Hiccup had another. Hiccup glanced over and smiled slightly, a way of saying yes. 

"GrayStream!" I called and she came out of the shadows. Along with Toothless.

"Hey bud. I have some fish for you. We got some nice Icelandic Code, some smoked salmon, and a whole smoked eel," Hiccup said, picking up the eel slowly, it being also slimy and all. When Toothless heard the part about the smoked eel he hissed and stepped back.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's OK," Hiccup said throwing it to the other side of the cove.

'Hello Thea. How are you doing. Oh my Gods you brought me more fish, but um... I don't like smoked eel. In fact none of the dragons do,' GrayStream said backing away.

"Oh, I am sorry. Me and Hiccup both got the same fish but I can't blame you I'm not a fan of smoked eel either," I said laughing.

"Here you go," I put the basket of fish down on the ground for GrayStream. I climbed around her slowly and sat on top of her tail. I looked over at Hiccup and saw he wasn't having some good luck. Every time he tried to attach the tail. I turned back around and started to attach mine. When I was done if fit just right. The measurements that we did were the right ones. I was so happy for that.

"Hey GrayStream I have your new tail attached do you want to go for a spin?" I asked her.

'Yes!' She jumped up in the air. Then I realized that the tail was not going to stay open, we started to fall toward the ground.

"AH!" I screamed and tried to open the tail. Just before we hit the ground I opened the tail and we flew up just in time. We flew out of the cove and over the ocean. I looked back and Hiccup was doing the same. He was holding the tail out with his hand. We headed back to the cove with a turn of their tails.

Toothless looked back Hiccup, and looked at him with anger. Toothless flicked Hiccup off into the water.

"Yeah!" I said as I got off GrayStream.

'Oh it felt so good to fly again!' she jumped up and down in excitement. I walked over to Hiccup and helped him out of the water.

"Yeah! The tails worked!" he said raising his hands up in the air.


"Today is all about attack!" Gobber said as a Zippleback came out. Gobber had given us a bucket of water," Now one dragon lights its fire and the other breaths it. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky," Gobber laughed.

Fishlegs, Hiccup, and I were together. Like I said he had given us a bucket of water. We were supposed to throw the water at the head the lights the fire. Although I have studied the Zippleback and saw that if you look at the way the heads move you can tell that the left head moves in a pattern and stops only left of the it. The right is the same but stops only right. Yeah anyway.

"Razor sharp teeth, inject venom for predigestion-," Fishlegs started to recite.

"Would you cut that out," Hiccup said.

The gas surrounded us, then I heard Tuffnut yelling.

"Oh that hurts! I am hurt! I am very much hurt!" He was holding his nose. I am guessing he got attacked by the Zippleback.

One head came over to us while there was still some gas to cover its body. It approached Fishlegs. Although I knew that was the left one, the one who breathes the gas. Fishlegs got his bucket ready to throw the water on the dragon.

How To Train Your Dragon: Thea ( Book one)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz