New beginnings..

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Are you too confused, from where to start ?
Does 2016 even seem to you like a dart ?
Which to choose and which to not..
No one is gonna tell you, because everyone has their own different art !
Will you be selfish ?
Or are you gonna be selfless ?
Are you gonna sort things out ,
Or will you double the mess ?
It's in your hands totally my friend..
It might be a new beginning to something you thought did end !
Be thankful to the almighty because he renewed your life..
The upper you'll rise, the harder you dive !
Why not utilize this chance to its fullest,
And live our life more respectfully and being modest !
Let us walk through the ways which seems hardest ..
Because I heard they are the shortcuts to success !
Let us dream to be bigger and the biggest,
And pass through the problems singing a song..
Lets again support the right yet fall for the wrong !
We'll begin our journey which goes way too long !


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