Loneliness !

102 23 6

Have you ever felt the intense loneliness ?
When you are bugged up and your life seems to be a mess !
Thousands of people are there in a mob,
But to none you can go, cry and sob !
Your accumulate your emotions more and more,
And hide your tears from them, crying in the showers and at the sea shores !
You know that your tears are valued by none,
Still you are hoping god will send someone,
Loneliness is not when you have no one around,
Its when you have everyone but not the person you want around !
It's like your favourite pastry still tastes the same but you don't feel like to eat,
And remember your favourite spot, from where now you just pass by and not sit !
The places the dishes are still the same,
Humans change faster than their taste isn't it a shame ?
The forever promises and those together made wishes,
Were all idiotic, insane and too kiddish,
I wish I could just delete you of my life,
And forget your sweet words which you once upon a time lied !
But now I am in a forever company with my loneliness,
Being alone, strong and ignorant I am walking alone through this mess !

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