You lost it !

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I guess you have taken me for granted,
Because I was always there whenever you wanted,
After doing soo much for you, you think I am useless,
Always being the one to confront you think I am senseless !
You are in a dilemma that I do this because I need you,
As I am never the one to ignore or argue !
You'll know my worth once I leave,
Then for you it would be hard to believe !
You have taken me for granted because you know I will be there,
To take you out and keep you safe from the frauds everywhere !
I think now you should have the fear of losing me..
And next time when you are in trouble and expect my help.. I'll just give a look and smile with a glee !
Let's see who in the world comes and helps you out,
I bet no one would even if you scream and shout !
And now in my heart your place is not the same.. I can tell this to the whole world shouting out aloud !
No more my dear I'll be there for you,
Get a new mate to fight and argue !
And now I am damn sure of not returning back,
Because yes sweetheart I was rare,
I was one of the few !

YourStoryIndia :)

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