God in you !

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You sit and blame your critics and problems,
You curse god for not helping you solve them,
But how you don't realise god is around ?
Why don't you feel his presence profound !
And why do you expect and wish he should come,
When something bad happened in front of you, you kept mum !
The road accident which yesterday you witnessed,
Why like everyone else you stood with folded hands ?
He was alive, he was breathing, he could have been saved,
But how in none of you humanity did carve ?
Begging for life, expecting someone's help, he died on the road,
Shame on you, that you left him dead cold !
At that moment you could have been a god to him,
But not helping him out, you just committed another sin !
Until you realise and seek the god in you,
Get ready to face problems, everyday new !
God is not there high up in the blue skies,
It's within you and people like you he resides !
Don't compress and kill the god within,
Don't end up the precious life you living !
Yesterday it was him tomorrow it might be you,
Don't wait for God, instead be a God to someone else like you !

YourStoryIndia :)

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