~ Chapter 4 ~

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The intercom went off around five in the morning. All of Finley's bunker groaned, but listened to the announcement. "All men report to your assigned training area. Your assigned area has been placed on a paper outside of your door." Lieutenant Fitzgerald announced. All of the men got geared up for their training, and headed for the large gym.

"Welcome, soldiers. Evans, Hamilton, McHenry, Rivera, Wilson. All are here, great. This morning, we will all be doing the basics: building muscles. You will all be with me for the next two weeks, so get familiar with this scar! You'll be seeing it for a long time. McHenry and Evans, jog two miles. In this gym, that would be thirteen laps. Start at the gym doors, you know the drill of counting laps. If I catch you walking, I'm gonna make it rain for your entire bunker." He smirked, and gestured for Finley and McHenry to begin.

"Hamilton, Rivera, and Wilson, pick up a bar. Put as little or as much weight as you want. We're gonna bench press today, tomorrow, the day after that, and the day after that. We're gonna work until you can each lift two-hundred pounds. Got it? Good. Let's start. Hamilton on bench one, Rivera on bench two, Wilson on bench three. Let's go! You've gotta move faster boys! Move! Move! Move!" The Lieutenant screamed at them.


All the way in South Carolina, Georgia Evans was worrying about her husband. Her belly was getting a bit bigger, and stress was causing a few grey hairs to appear. Georgia had a large calendar on the wall in the kitchen, marking off the squares as the days went by.

Georgia went about every day life as best she could, but her husband being in danger had her constantly worrying. She was excited about the baby coming, but as days passed by, she realized that the possibilities of her husband being home in time for the birth were going down. Mrs. Evans had an appointment with the doctor in a few days, and wanted to know all that they had to say so that she could tell her husband.

Days passed, and the day of the appointment finally arrived. "Alright, Mom! Yes, I'll be extra careful. Okay, I love you too. Bye!" Georgia placed the phone back on the wall, and headed towards her automobile. The beautiful antique was an old grey truck from the 20s. "Alright, Ol' Abigail, take me to the doctor!" Georgia joked. She hopped into the driver's seat, and turned the key in the ignition.
The truck roared to life, and Georgia made her way out of the neighborhood, and down the highway to Dr. Travis' office.

"Welcome, Georgia! Long time, no see! How's Mary doing?" Dr. Travis asked. "Mother's doing well, I got off of the phone with her before I made my way down here. She said Daddy's back ain't doin' too well. What's your brother's name? The chiropractor... Uh, Thomas! That's what his name was." Georgia replied. "Send Mr. Anderson down to Thomas. Tell him I sent Mr. Anderson. He'll give a discount. Shall we check out the baby?" Dr. Travis replied. Georgia nodded, and prepared for the awkwardness.

"Well, Georgia, it seems that the baby is doing just fine... Our should I say babies!" Travis announced. "You mean I'm having twins?" Georgia stood up. The doctor nodded, and Georgia smiled. "Thank you, Travis! I've gotta go home and tell Finley!" Georgia left the money for the appointment, and then rushed home.

After Georgia told her parents more about the two babies, she hung up and began to write a letter to Finley.

My Dearest Finley,

I bring good news, Finley! We're having two babies! The genders are unknown, but I go back multiple times. Eventually we will find out! I'm so excited, Finley! Mom and I have already been looking at ideas in the magazines for nurseries. I really like the idea of a zoo themed nursery. Details, details!
How is training going? I hope they aren't overworking my baby. I can't wait for you to get back home. I can't wait for us to continue our life together, I sure do hope this all ends soon. Knowing you're in danger 24/7 is killing me on the inside. Please write me back when you get the chance. I love you, Finley Evans.

See you soon,

Georgia E. Evans

Georgia placed the letter in an envelope, and placed it inside the mailbox. She took it back out, applied a fresh coat of lipstick, and placed three kisses on the front. Placing the letter back in the mailbox, she prayed he would get it soon.

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