~ Chapter 6 ~

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Georgia Evans went to the hospital on April 1, 1940. Her parents drove her to the hospital, for she couldn't drive, she was about to give birth! Medical aids rushed her in on a stretcher, and immediately got her into the ER. Almost immediately, she was transported to a delivery room. There was a doctor waiting, and four other nurses.

Georgia was screaming and crying, and although it pained her to see the expression on her father's face, she requested her mom to stay in the room. Her mother held her hand the entire time, not caring that her daughter was asleep. Around three in the afternoon, a healthy baby girl was born. At around three-twenty in the afternoon, a baby boy came into the world.

It wasn't until four-thirty in the afternoon when Georgia woke up. Her parents were sitting at the foot of her bed, playing with the babies. A nurse walked in with two certificates, and asked what their names would be. "The boy will be Johnny Alexander Evans. The father is Finley Evans, he is at war right now. The girl will be Nancy Renae Evans, the father is the same." Georgia said quietly, her stomach hurt really bad from where they cut her. "I'm in pain, I think I need some medicine." Georgia added. The nurse had her sign each certificate, and them left the room.

When the nurse returned, she had each certificate framed, and two small cups of liquid medicine. Her parents must have told them she can't take pills. "Are you okay, Georgia? Do you want us to bring you anything from the house?" Her father asked. Georgia nodded her head no. "Alrighty then, we're gonna go get you some clothes, get more diapers and food... And a few extra blankets. Love you, Dear." Her mother kissed her cheek. "Bye, Mom. I'll see you when you get back." She waved as they left. Once the medicine kicked in, she gathered up the courage to pick up Nancy.

"Hello, sweet girl. Your name is Nancy Renae Evans, and I'm your mommy. Daddy isn't here right now, he's off fighting off the bad guys. He'll be home soon, though." Georgia whispered. She placed Nancy back on the pallet, and then reached for Johnny. "Welcome, Johnny boy. Your name is Johnny Alexander Evans, and I'm your mommy too. Nancy over there is your sister, and you'll be best friends. I just know it, Johnny. Daddy is off fighting bad guys, but he will be home soon." Georgia began rocking him gently. Occasionally, Johnny would reach and pull on her hair.

Georgia's parents returned, and turned on the news as they all ate the dinner they had brought to the hospital. "News of a man found near Amsterdam in Netherlands has been reported. This man, known as Finley Evans, has been shot in the knee. A young boy found him in a small patch of trees, and reported it to a nearby Navy ship. Evans has been transported to a hospital in America, and will not be allowed to join the Allies again for War. That is all the news we have for tonight. Good night, South Carolina!" Georgia clicked the television off, and began to cry.

"Sweetheart, it will be okay. Finley will be fine." Her mother began. "What do you know, Mom? How could you know? The news just came out! What if he doesn't make it, Mom?" Georgia shouted, then sent her plate of food flying through the air. "Just, leave. Please, just leave. I'm supposed to get out tomorrow, and we can go see Finley." She lowered her voice. Georgia's parents cleaned up their mess, along with Georgia's, and left. "We will see you tomorrow, Georgia." Her father said before closing the door.

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