My Life

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My life is hard but it looks easy it is not. I am going to tell you about my life I don't know why you are going to know about my life. If you want to know you could keep reading

My life begins when my mother had gave birth to me they were saying I was going to be a boy but I am a girl. I am proud to be a girl, I am not going to go that far back. There are problems with my family a lot but I am going to lay you know the important one.

My mom stopped loving my dad when I was 7 years old (12 now) but my dad still loves my mom. My mom always treated my dad bad after that so yeah.My dad will always treat my mom respect like every time. My brothers and sister has to see that with me.

The problem is that my parents are getting a divorce I had court on December 9th now I am going back to court at January 25th. I don't want to go cuz then I have to choses Who to stay with. That suck to chose a parent that is fun all the time and a parent that wants you to know stuff.

For now I don't want to chose anyone because then the other parent with be sad. I don't want my parents to be sad I want them to be happy. My point is I love them both and I can't chose the favorite or anything.

I say a dad can't teach a girl how to be a women and a mother can't teach a boy to be a man.

So this is one of my problems in my family

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