Angels Live Among Us

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I once read a post on Google+ (yes i have that. Idc if that thing is old!! True people show their feelings on their!) about two kids talking. One kid said, "Why do most people have marks on their wrists?"

The other kid said,"My mom said that those people are angels hidden as people in this world. Their marks show that they have tried to go back home up with other angels in the sky. That is the reason they have those marks."

Then the other kid answered, "Dang, your mom is smart."

Okay, so the point is that I brought that up is that it means that most people cut. And it pisses me off that people do that.


Well, most people do that at school. In my school. I don't see the point anyway. I only know of TWO freakin' people who are dealing with shitty stuff and have to go to counselors for that. But, why are the others doing it?

For example, I am going through shit called 'failure to be social' and 'not being able to control herself '.

Uhh yes I fucking can!! Its just that some people piss me off!

Ok so the point being, is that why is that people cut? It slowly destroys our soul and breaks us inside. Some do it for fun and because they're idiots. Some because of the problems that are being faced.

I don't do it. Yes, I admit it to a ful room of strangers, I tried it. Once.

Only for one time.

I felt like my problems left, but a new one arose. The problem of making sure to get rid of a scar. I don't have a person who I could cry on and talk my heart out. I'm the person who hides their feeling in a locked box under the floorboard under a bed.

I just can't handle the feeling of someone hurting themselves. Especially if they think it's a game. It isn't.

I may have stupid as hell problems, but nothing else in the world is worth the trouble hurting yourself.

I know how it feels to feel like a human. That is what you are. Human. Another one who feel, breathes, loves, hopes, and knows what's best.

I just hope that whoever is reading knows that you are worth it. U may feel like ur not, but u are.

I hope you have a good day or night.

-Jj. Z

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