Dracorex hogwartsia and Gryffindor House

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Ramonapest and I were reading Dig magazine and playing with Littlest Pet Shop (Yes I still play with them) when we came up with this idea:

Dear JK Rowling,

We have recently discovered a new cliff dwelling and wanted to name it Gryffindor House to honor your book series. Also, if we find dwellings similar to it, we wanted to name them after Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.


Two archeologists

Dear Secret Ninja,

We have discovered a new cliff dwelling and wanted to name it Willow Tree House to honor the mark you have made on fanfiction culture.


Your Two Biggest Fans

Authors note: This is funny if you read Dig magazine and know how cliff dwellings are named. Also, Dracorex hogwartsia is a real dinosoar.

Ramonapest's note: We are happy to have helped Hogwarts to make a larger mark on the many categories of science.

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