The Inflatable Kayak

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     Anna woke up and looked outside, the street looked like a river. She ran downstairs only to find that the first level of the hotel was also flooded. As more water poured into the hotel, she waded over to the table and used it as a makeshift raft. She had to get out somehow. She steered the table over to the entrance and pushed open the door, paddling the table out onto the street. She knew that it wouldn't last long.

     If only I had a boat, she thought. A boat! She did have a boat, she realized, the inflatable kayak. Working quickly, she assembled the pieces. Within a few minutes, the kayak was ready. She got in and pushed off using a nearby tree.

     As she paddled, the floods tore apart at a nearby building. The trash scraped against the side the the kayak, tearing a hole in it. Anna looked around for something to grab onto, just in time to see a massive wave creeping up behind her. But there was no time to do anything, the wave came crashing  down or her.

     Then there was only darkness.


BUt don't wory! She isnt dead yet!

Give me some feedback as well as your predictions.

(I hope that the next chapter suprises you)

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